

Attached: dsz8dem8fdt51.jpg (708x910, 71.06K)

let me guess, let me guess, they actually look at the games for inspiration? One of the writers played the game?

i doubt it

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>most accurate
>photo of Mila with a rocket launcher of some sort

(X) Doubt

All jokes aside that's probably a random screenshot from one of those Resident Evil movies they shat out

>game creators approving money

>that spoiler
Lol did you even watch the trailer?

Probably just game creators in general anyway, not specific to MonHun
>Yeah that looks like it came from a video game

hearing rumors that stunt-doubles and other people working on the set were frequently injured or otherwise put in harms way unnecessarily because of the poor conditions, sounding increasingly based each passing day

How is that an accomplishment though? The bar is so low on video game movies, its up satans asshole.

No, that's why I said "probably". I thought I'd give Paul W.S Anderson the benefit of the doubt.

It's that bad huh.

Paul WS Anderson strikes again

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we already have out vidya adaptation kino, and i doubt it will be topped by a b-movie director

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I take it the crystal treatment was a failure.

Can’t wait for her megaman and Street fighter reboot roles. Her taking on Akuma is sure to be a hit

>We are the Monster Hunters

uhm, a quick rundown on that pic?

jesus christ

I mean it's literally Peace Walker's Monster Hunter levels.

>assault rifles
>modern cars
Is it really?

Unexpected rain caused film director Paul W. S. Anderson to abandon a planned fight scene, with Olivia instead standing in for actress Milla Jovovich in a dangerous and technically complex motorcycle stunt. A last-minute change to the stunt, which Olivia wasn’t aware of, nearly proved fatal and caused horrific, life-changing injuries.

While riding a motorcycle at a high speed, a crane-mounted camera operated from vehicle travelling in the opposite direction collided with Olivia. The force of the blow was so intense that half her face was torn off, and she suffered multiple fractures, serious brain swelling and ruptured arteries in her arm and neck. Olivia spent 17 days in a coma and her injuries were so severe that her left arm could not be saved and had to be amputated. She was also left with a painfully twisted spine, paralysis of the top left quarter of her body including her neck, a permanently dislocated shoulder, a severed thumb, punctured lungs and broken ribs.

imagine going through that for the Resident Evil movies

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So... what IS the most loyal video game adaptation?

the only good video game adapted movie I've ever watched was the first silent hill movie.

I get that reference to a severely autistic DA "artist" with a fetish for Marfan's Syndrome.

I know she's his wife and all, but does he not get access to different actors? is Paul her agent as well? Why does Capcom still trust them despite the disaster that were the RE films?

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>I thought I'd give Paul WS Anderson the benefit of the doubt

>Mila Superzombie
Of course. As faithful as the resident evil movies I presume.

It's gonna be garbage just like every film Mila Jovovic starred in.

>muh porthuls
>muh military power
>muh it takes a monster to kill a monster

The creator knows jack shit, anyone who would've done decent research would have known that Hunters are essentially closer to modern day wildlife preservation than anything.

Idiotic producer butchers a narrative, the creators don't have a say because Capcom said it's good. It's gonna be the second time MH was butchered after that horrible manga.

No, it says right in the image you replied to that he asked Capcom if everything was okay and they said "yes" therefore it is very loyal.

>Almost hits the mark besides the lukewarm acting.
>They decide to swap the antagonists from being a demonic cult like in the games to being overly pious christfags
That era of fedora tipping shit in supernatural movies was the worst.

>haven't watched the trailer
>go look it up
>opens with modern day US soldiers driving around in humvees.

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>be stuntman
>don't have complete control of the choreography when it comes to your stunt
>someone just makes changed without you knowing
what the fug, that's not how it's supposed to work at all

I mean Monster Hunter has a trash story so...

The RE films make money in China.

Capcom doesnt care

it barely has a story at all but you dont need to throw in

>feel the need to introduce the audience to the story with characters they'll understand and can somewhat relate with
>just pick people from Earth and throw them into a fantasy world
much like pretty much all isekais it's not indicative of good writing, no

But it has a great world, make it a coming of age story for a Hunter, make it about Hunters facing off a threat for the local wildlife, it's so open for creative endeavours with a few rules and he chose to bring in a modern day military group. It's idiotic.

>Why does Capcom still trust them despite the disaster that were the RE films?

Because every single RE movie with Jovovich has been a hit. The first ones were decent moneymakers thanks to home video, but the last ones were even big hits in theatres.

That's why.

You people do realize Japanese have basic bitch taste in movies.
Monster hunter developers are probably hype there game is gonna be a "Big action American Joe movie"