Buckley's still got it

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thick mom

What's that hand in the bottom panel? He's been doing this for over 15 years, I really want to say his art looks good now, but I mean, can he really not draw a hand consistency after that many hours?


bum tickley

Does Buckley have a kid now?


Bum Tickley doesn't draw anything from scratch if he doesn't have to, he breaks all his characters down into parts that he can copy and paste.

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What is that kid, didn't it get miscarried?

>that tablet is 50 dollars nowadays
>feels like he scammed his fanbase for it like it was yesterday
damn, where did the time go.

Is he still drawing his gay super hero comic?

His unaborted son is young Anakin Skywalker?

>Those parents

Holy shit did he un-loss the kid

Please say yes

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>Loss has its own wikipedia page

alternate timeline

remember when Bum Tickley did the entire miscariage arc solely because his old girlfriend had one and he dumped her as a result lmao
or when he sent a picture of his semi hard dick + ginger pubes to some girl named Jackie (?) who was underaged?
Our guy. Always has been, always will be.

he had anoter kid after the miscarriage?

>tfw i'm too lazy to make an edit

Oh so NOW that garbage game is historical accurate, huh?

What is Ronnie doing these days?

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No un-lossing. That is just Tim himself, not Ethan.

B^Uckley has improved. Still not funny, even less funny because he did what stand ups do when getting old and comftable. their jokes turn to "my family did X thing"

he dumped the girl he had a miscarriage with immediately after, if you're talking in-comic lore he retconned everything because he realized that people knew the miscarriage was related to his exgf so he remade the story as some faggy superhero thing and then after that failed he started doing more self-inserts with his current wife. It's absolutely absurd that people even still read this shit and he didn't just fuck off like every other webcomic of his time.

What do you homofags do?


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Loss was autobiographical.


this faggot still going? jesus christ, wacky gamers hey.

post dobson instead