If you woke up to find 25 million dollars in your brokerage account because a miracle happened with stock or options...

If you woke up to find 25 million dollars in your brokerage account because a miracle happened with stock or options, how would you change your video game habits?

For instance would you do things such as play less games or would you ignore the grind by buying your way up whenever possible because you value your time?

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id buy fucking property bro not fucking tickets for anime gachas

if I had 25 million suddenly i'd say fuck videogames and go do shit with it

this user is right, buy lots of property then buy a modest house, a modest car and the strongest PC out there to play from time to time, maybe travel a little and see the world before never leaving my house again

>set aside 3 million dollars, buy a standard house and still never have to work a day in my life
>use 1 million to buy every video game I've ever wanted
>have 21 million on standby

Honestly 25 million is way too much for a consumer, unless you want to make a game, then its way too little. But either way, its enough to never have to work ever again

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This without the 1M budget for Vidya. I don't think I need that much to fullfill my desires.

Not enough if you want to get married because you have to figure that the woman will want to spend your money, and take half of it when she finds it convenient to break up with you.

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I would make anime girls real and make the rain fall up.

Is this from Evangelion? It looks like the seele logo

What are the essential Kafka short stories?
Ive found a book that has Metamorphosis, Hunger Artist, Penal Colony and a couple more.