post you're toons
Post you're toons
Here you go, the most famous one of them all!
do americans really
I saw this on leddit while searching how to fix a bug
It was posted as
>I can finally feel identified when playing human
So which one is it OP
Are you a redditor nigger or are you just baiting
I'm not a toon.
more like post your troons
fuck off wow trannie
it's "your" you illiterate fuck
your is possessive
you're is the contraction of you are
"you're toons" would be "you are toons"
why did you make a nigger?
yes rabbi
I want to love GW2 so much, but the inexcusably poor optimization due to it still, in 2020, running in DX9 prevents me from doing so. And the game still manages to run like shit even when using the DX12 addon.
You should of stayed on reddit
yeah it sucks. i only login to do dailies as i need legendary materials. my pc turns into a turner whenever gw2 is running. even on the character select screen
>yfw they remove your class
A black person!
Dog is the best toon type.
post the pictures already you fagets
>tfw want to like WoW but can't because of the devs
>tfw want to like WoW Classic but can't because of the community
>tfw want to like GW2 but can't because of the devs & game optimization
>tfw want to like ESO but can't because of the dogshit combat & game optimization
>tfw want to like OSRS but can't because of the aesthetic
>tfw want to like EVE but can't because it's too slow-paced and mainly populated by multiboxers & bots
>tfw NEVER want to like anything Korean because they're always soulless P2W grindfests
>tfw currently burnt out on FFXIV because I've already done mostly everything there is to do
What do I do, bros? Go outside? Go to the gym? I've already read three books recently. I just want a new, GOOD MMO to pour my time into.
Is a tranny game you should not be playing it anyways.
opinion discarded and ID filtered
*blocks your path*
The irony.
I bet you love trannys, freak.
What game is this?
In wow Why do people get angry when you say VC instead of DM?
monner hunner wurrld
probably because DM is more popular, Dire Maul shares the same acronym bu no one does that before Deadmines
Because there's no reason not to say DM. Nobody pugs a full clear of all three wings of Dire Maul at once.
She's an ice and lightning mage
Neat, how is guild wars nowadays anyway, probably not touched it in half a decade
>wow still using pixar grug models
absolute state
>photograph of computer screen
>names include "Holyswagadin" and something that starts with "Thiqq"
Truly a multifaceted post. Been a while since a saw a thread with so many layers.
>black paladin
Best humour thread in a while desu
Because only retards use VC.
I haven't played WoW in years and Stormwind still feels like home
Time to go back.
Could give FFXI a shot