RDR2 Crack crashes

Piratebros we got too cocky...

Attached: RDR2.png (1830x965, 114.98K)

>sloppy crack
>by a "grill"
what do you expect

the game was about as crashy for me when i bought it, good luck in fixin ur crack and try fucking with the settings


Paidbros we got too cocky...

Attached: fucking retard.png (790x1299, 216.46K)

Works on my machine

Where can I even find the pure version without fitgirl's meme compression?

it's a first time stab at a new always online protection
if whoever did it can't manage it, someone will do it to shit all over them for trying and being bad at it

just like every other game when you have a shit pc

I've played up to the start of Chapter 2 and haven't had a single crash yet.