How are you dealing with the fact that Flash will be gone in 2021? Thousands of games will be lost forever with no backup.
Better start playing them again anons, you will miss them.
How are you dealing with the fact that Flash will be gone in 2021? Thousands of games will be lost forever with no backup.
Better start playing them again anons, you will miss them.
Other urls found in this thread:
>with no backup
Why do people hate Stonetoss for? He seems pretty based to me.
>No backup
Okay I’m a tech idiot but can’t you just play them on your old version of flash?
And there’s a 0% chance that there isn’t someone archiving this shit
>pebble toss
That aside. I'll miss Heiwachan.
fine, I guess. considering that flash games were never good
>Thousands of games will be lost forever with no backup.
No they don't, and if they did, nothing of value would have been lost
The only thing we really need is an open source Flash projector.
His early work was fine and funny, especially when it was more making fun of politics in general and not picking sides. Then Zig Forums found him and he constantly just does fan service just to stay relevant. Also his obsession with gays is pathetic.
He’s a homophobic racist transphobe so no fucking shit your average 4channer is gonna think he’s “based” but those aren’t values you can publicly espouse which is why Stonetoss hides his face and name
How are you dealing with the fact that you unironically have pebblecuck shit saved on your PC?
>He’s a homophobic racist transphobe
So a normal person and actually 100% correct and based beyond belief?
>He’s a homophobic racist transphobe
Sounds like an outstanding guy, I'd buy him a bear
why are you here?
Archive Newgrounds and VGDC, we can't lose Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom
the only reason this is happening is because they've finished putting all the games that matter on mobile stores to sell to zoomers who don't realise they were all free and easily accessible to them, since censoring the part of history that showed life was perfectly functional without being a capitalistic and consumer predatory shithole needs to happy as fast as possible to reduce chance of rebellion
this flashpoint shit is going to get nuked off of the earth once mobile companies start sending lawsuits against it for hosting content that doesn't belong to them that is now only available in paid form, also
anyone who hates him confirms that he's right, he sums up bullshit in a compact and easy package and it triggers people enmasse because of how effective and on point it is, ignore the seething unless you plan to bask in it
A bear? Are you trying to kill him?
But still
Go back
No backup? Hillary Clinton would love to live in that world but fortunately for gamers some fat loser somewhere has figured out how to remember things no one else wants to remember.
Trolling Zig Forums in 2020 is so fun and easy you just have to talk like a normal human being and instant free (You)s, it’s great
Flashpoint Infinity
Seethe zoomer
>this flashpoint shit is going to get nuked off of the earth once mobile companies start sending lawsuits against it for hosting content that doesn't belong to them that is now only available in paid form, also
Nah, they don't have to do that, most people simply aren't going to bother to download TBs of Flash games. They're also offering a torrent.
I think his name is spelled sseth actually
I'd crack open a bear with stonetoss any day.
I always get sad when on go on vgdc knowing the guy died an early death....
no, they'll still be there
only flash player is losing support
>i'd buy him a bear
post that screencap lads
about the same as when it was "going to be gone" in 2012, then 2013, then 2014, then 2015, then 2016, then 2017, then 2018, then 2019, then this year. When it's actually gone, maybe I'll care. Still probably not though, I haven't visited a flash site, or used a flash applet for anything in years, most places have moved onto html5.
Flashpoint exists dummy
The fact that known diaperfur pedophile Shmorky was able to rebrand so successfully as Stonetoss is astounding, desu. He probably did it to survive moving back to his uncle's trailer park, but now plenty of people love him again.
bruh the term trolling became too mainstream. we call it baiting now
Not him but have the same views. I’ve been here since long before anyone here gave a fuck about politics and you can never leave so I’m stuck.
Seething Zig Forumscels.
Please go back to r/thedonald or wherever the fuck you retards came from.
> updates stopping means every swf file evaporates off the internet instantly
The only thing I ever use flash for anymore is coomer games.
>no backup
have se x