No good exclusives, if the Xbone is anything to go by, quite a few games will be released for everything but Xbox, particularly japanese games and will likely be the third wheel again.
The only decent thing about it is the Game Pass which...okay, no joke, it's suprisingly good and by far the best attempt at gaming Netflix i have seen so far, aside from the fact i don't think the games come with DLC and you have to pay for it, it's actually the only reason why i would consider buying a Xbox Series.
But aside from Game Pass, which is the one thing that makes me want to, disturbingly, praise Microsoft for, there is not one single reason for why anyone would ever pick a freaking Xbox over PS5 and Switch.
>Gamepass is a good reason, but there is not one single reason! Okay
Julian White
Well I can tell you why I want one
>I mainly play multiplats (picrelated) >I love my current XboneX, great hardware but... it got me used to 60fps gaming and I dont want to go back to 30 >I enjoy the Zenimax games >I have a good TV and want the best performance/graphics available >I dont want a gaming desktop in my living room
>>I dont want a gaming desktop in my living room Mind explaning a little further whats wrong with this? I have a gaming PC on a separated desk, a long HDMI cord going into my tv and it's not obtrusive or anything.
Chase Moore
Not OP but needing to use a KB+M at the coffee table is kind of annoying. If Microsoft could make a version of W10 that was more gamepad-friendly (like Big Picture) the problem would be solved.
Owen Walker
I can respect dat
Bentley Diaz
well my PC is in a different room (office) than my Xbox (living room)