How would you revive the touhou franchise without killing it?

How would you revive the touhou franchise without killing it?

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rape vr

VR game where you get to fuck all the 2hus

I would make an effort to explain to the west what the fuck a touhou even is
I'm a fuckin weeb and I still don't get it
It's a bullet hell shmup with cute girls? Is that it? Is that what people think justifies inclusion in fucking SMASH BROS?
Explain it to me, please

All Touhous at once.

Attached: metadoom.png (580x377, 283.68K)

VR game where you fight off anons trying to fuck the 2hus

vr game where you visit hakurei shrine and put a coin into the donation box

make it a hentai game series

It's a shmup series that generated an absurdly large fanbase that created and continues to create an absurd amount of fan content basically. The games themselves are good but actually way too difficult/skill based for the majority of faggots who are 'fans' of the series.

ZUN continues doing what he wants no matter whether or not anyone likes it. He said he would keep making them even if no one played them just because he wants to and that's how it should stay.