Do you prefer 1st person, 2nd person or 3rd person Resident Evil games?

Do you prefer 1st person, 2nd person or 3rd person Resident Evil games?
I think the 2nd person classic RE games were the best, particularly remake1

Attached: claire.jpg (3500x3600, 833.96K)

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>posting 2 pics of claire
>not posting definitive Claire
OP what the fuck are you doing?

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Theres no such thing as 2nd person camera perspective.

I like third person

Third person. The best RE games are RE4 and Remake 2 and they're third person.

>not posting definitive
Unfortunately, Elza Walker didn't make it into the final RE2 release.

This. Unless there's a game I'm unaware of where you play from a zombie's perspective.

>Theres no such thing as 2nd person camera perspective.

Attached: lakitu.jpg (744x940, 152.4K)

Playing RE1 right now for the first time, the corner camera is beautiful lots of times, perfect for the tone. But it sucks. I'm constantly getting stuck, the horror aspect doesn't work that well, the gameplay is unenjoyable.

3rd person is best. 1st person is shit on all games.

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I love the 3rd person games, especially the remakes. They're the perfect mix of old school + new school style. That said, I'm really enjoying the 1st person style of the new trilogy, it's a nice change of pace. I like the '3rd person for remakes, 1st person for new mainline titles' strategy they've been doing.

Functionally third person. Lakitu has no dialogue, no input nor no influence on the game or story. His role is simply "oh cool Mario is actually being filmed!!!" but that's it

A proper 2nd person game has the POV character be more involved. Closest thing off the top of my head is the Siren games where you temporarily get the POV of the enemies while they search for you.

how is this possible?

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