Why am I seeing this dogshit anime BOTW reskin with gacha mechanics fucking EVERYWHERE over the past couple weeks...

Why am I seeing this dogshit anime BOTW reskin with gacha mechanics fucking EVERYWHERE over the past couple weeks? Is it chinese bots or shills?

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Bruh if your sick of hearing about it why don't you just use filters instead of making a whole thread? lmao dude just close your eyes or something if you dont wanna see it


Attached: gachapoll.png (708x632, 29.5K)

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Definately shills.

Attached: Capture+_2020-10-23-13-33-53.png (1315x262, 32.99K)

There's probably some shilling going on
But gacha shit has had followers on Zig Forums for a while now
It got a lot of attention for being so similar to BotW in its art style
It could be an okay game but I won't play it on principle
Fuck loot boxes


I decided to check it out and I love it.

Fuck you, faggot paranoid OP always worried that the Chinese bugmen are gonna MK Ultra your feeble mind on Zig Forums.

It’s fun. But the fact that Zig Forums seethes over it attracts the trolls. All these retards keep saying they hate it because xxx reason keep causing controversy which in turn bumps the threads.

it's a legitimately good game with a disgusting monetization system. simple as