This is the best controller.
This is the best controller
wrong image
whoops, can't believe I messed that up twice, haha
not sure how i fucked that up 3 times.
>light bar
>useless touchpad
>cheapest, thinnest plastic construction possible
>gigantic gap between cheap plastic casing and the thumbstick that are notorious for collecting dust that destroys the cheap internals
>shit battery life
>a fucking share button
>worst triggers since the N64
The DS4 is unironically the worst first party controller I've ever owned.
right thumbstick being closer to your thumb
yeah no
face buttons are still pretty important unlike with the ps dpad being closer that shit is stupid
I traded that one in for a Xbox One controller so I didnt have to use the Dongle and the buttons matched up and I regret it. The Wii U pro was amazing in every sense and I'am sad the switch pro wasnt one for one with it
actual best pad in the thread, good job
Are you out of your mind? Ds4 is literally the worst playstation controller of them all.
>The best
Flopped so hard even chinktendo forgot about it
it has the best dpad which is literally all that matters for any game that requires any sort of execution
Are you retarded.
The xbone controller has the best dpad on any controller ever. Even superior to the snes.
there's a reason when fighting game players use a pad instead of a fightstick/hitbox for some reason, it's ds4 every time
I'm out of here.
For me, it's the original dualshock design
Nope, this is.
Only dirty fucking casuals will say otherwise.
>wanted to find a replacement battery
>wii u pro controllers and accessories tripled in price
Is this a collector-tier console already?
>3 buttons
Just buy one from aliexpress.
Doesn't the 3DS use the same battery?
You sure about that?
well its 3rd party but if you're just trying to frankenstein it for the battery Gamestop is listing 3rd party ones as free (probably pay shipping tho)
>the insane customization
>the wide comfy grip
>the back paddles
>the dual stage triggers with analog input
>the gyro controls
Its without a doubt the absolute best controller I've ever owned. Its so close to perfection. I just wish the plastic shell were a little thicker so it wasn't so echoy when clicking in the touch pads, and the bumpers were placed closer to the sides, more like the 360 controller's placement.
How would you construct the percect controller? As I a sonychad all I can say with certainty is that it would need either ds4 or 3 dpad. I leave triggers to an xbox controller.
Combine Sega Genesis with N64 to create the controller of true intellectual champions.
I've never seen this shit before. What is the rationale behind this design?