What was your favorite chapter?

What was your favorite chapter?

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Chapter 5 followed by 3

Chapter 6. I love flowers.

they were all really fun desu. my favourite was probably 7 i'm a sucker for ice worlds

In 64 I liked the Boo Mansion/Tubba Blubba chapter best as a kid, but they’re all great. I know people bitch about Flower Fields but i really don’t think there’s a weak link.
In TTYD, it was probably Twilight Town or Glitz Pit the first time, but they can be a bit of a slog on replay. I’d probably pick the island.

All based


Was gonna post my favorite but honestly I can think of at least 3 favorite chapters. Probably 3 if I had to pick, I liked the locations, characters, and it's when the game starts to really pick up in complexity

you wrong glitzpit is based

Honestly I think every chapter is good. The only one that annoys me a little is 4, and only because it replaces the Toad Town music for the duration of the chapter. It’s one of the biggest differences between this game and TTYD in my opinion, since TTYD has several weaker chapters.

nvm im an idiot ignore me
Pm 64 is really cool none of the chapters are bad