why did master chef wear a hood if he already had a helmet on lol
Why did master chef wear a hood if he already had a helmet on lol
cuz it cool
Because metal armor gets fucked up by sand. Lots of soldiers wear cloaks in the desert
>sci-fi armor that can withstand the conditions of outer space cannot handle the effects of sand, and this can be fixed by wearing a cape
because the wear from outer space exposure with the void and temperature is the same as sand. just kys already
Sand legitimately gets into every crack and crevice and provides grit in movement. Also, space and sand are two totally different problems to be approached completely separately you mong.
"conditions of ourer space" includes being able to breathe. Are you retarded? Chief isn't traveling at mach speed and getting hit in the helmet with space debris you stupid anime posting tryhard.
it was referencing Rockman Zero 2
for the moon landings dust was a huge problem
That's irrelevant because Master Chief has flown through open space before with just his suit on. It's air tight which means sand cannot get into his suit. The whole cloak thing was total bullshit and had no place in the game.
Maybe he was trying to be more covert so that if he couldn't be noticed from afar?
>Actually trying to justify this nonsense as anything other than "it looked cool"
You're legitimately retarded and I actually chuckled at you.
Should've worn capes. Come on, NASA, get it together.
The sand gets into the crevices on the OUTSIDE of the suit you blithering retard
That doesn't matter at all.
they couldn't find any on the set
>Sand legitimately gets into every crack and crevice and provides grit in movement.
T.Anakin, also chiefs armor can withstand re entry into a ducking planet I doubt sans is the armors great weakness
If you don't think capes/cloaks on sci-fi armor is sickest shit then get off my board.
>Chief isn't traveling at mach speed and getting hit in the helmet with space debris you stupid anime posting tryhard.
He's just re entering planets and hitting the ground at terminal velocity and coming out completely fine on the other side
>all these explanations when already cleared it up
First post is already best post, why the fuck are you still arguing, it's LITERALLY the only reason why he's wearing that fucking rag
Keeping sand from scratching the armor and out of points of actuation
Keeping direct sun off the armor so less power needs to be diverted for cooling
Attempting to camouflage his massive orange visor/reflective green armor
Attempting to appear as though he is not a Spartan from afar
Based and sand pilled
Cringe midwit weeb
This is the realest answer. He was incognito.
Rebuilds are shit, kiss my ass.
I assume it's probably to look cool for the reveal and to hide his identity from far away. Though it looks kind of dumb in his case, me and my friend laughed when the reveal happened which I don't think was the intention.
Sand is abrasive, especially at speed. Wind picks it up and throws it at stuff, and the force is enough that if it happens thousands upon thousands of times, it'll wear away at materials.
Metal, rubber, glass and plastic aren't great at withstanding such wear & tear, but cloth is, because it absorbs a lot of the energy of the grains of sand being thrown at it. Chief's stopping abrasion from wearing down his suit so much over time.
spacesuit doesnt work on land
wow color me surprised