Is it good compared to 3?

Is it good compared to 3?

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it is a nice game to spend some time on

It's fucking great. My only complaint is that you get to hypercars a bit too fast. Everything else is perfect, probably the best of the GT/Forza/NFS style semi realistic semi arcade style racers.

Its good, you gonna have fun for many hours but they ruined it adding lego and hot wheels cars...

but is it better than 3 or nah?

I'd pick 3 over 4 any day but compared to the competition FH4 is still one of the best open world arcade racer this gen

Yes, there are some QoL improvements that help a bunch but I didn't like the map as much and even the 3 DLC was better.

But you really can't go wrong with either game desu.

It's on bone pass currently so you could form your own opinion for a dollar

sry i dont support netflix for games for obvious reasons

both 3 and 4 are the perfect simcade racers with something for everyone
both games have different strengths with 3 having a better world but 4 having better cars