Name 1 (ONE) western video game that came out in the last 2 years that you've enjoyed playing

Name 1 (ONE) western video game that came out in the last 2 years that you've enjoyed playing

Attached: drake-screenshot.png (794x527, 303.09K)

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I tried Doom Eternal last month because it was on game pass. Got hooked on it and ended up paying the story mode twice in a row. The game was mad fun but immensely short. After playing it to death I tried to play a bunch of other modern games but not a single one could match the fun and feel of Doom Eternal, so i’ve decided to give up on gaming.

Kingdom Come Deliverance

Attached: henry.png (916x836, 814.79K)

Who’s the mutt In your pic?

Modern Warfare


Doom eternal is fun

I don't play video games.



Attached: Doom Eternal.jpg (800x445, 67.62K)