>pay for games
>these games don't belong to you
i can't believe that are people who defend this bullshit.
Pay for games
So... Every consumer on this planet? You realise that when you "buy" a game, that you are only purchasing a license right? Retard.
>pay $70 for a single game
>it's shit and you never play it again
>lose the subscription
>bye games
>buy games
>violate the politically correct ToS and get console banned, account banned, or IP banned from the game
>shiggy diggy my little piggy
Never happened.
meanwhile this shit always happens.
I got two years and a few months of goypass for around as much as you'd have to pay for a single retail next gen game. It's not the best service but honestly for that price, who the fuck cares.
You're paying for a subscription/service. Not the games.
I've already played the games by then.
>pay for Netflix
>these movies don't belong to you
I can't believe there are people who defend this bullshit.