>wake up
>realize I live in the 21st century and can download any game for free in the comfort of my own home
>download pirated games while masturbating to anime feet
anybody else finally realized they live in the world Huxley wrote about?
Wake up
She looked better with no tits
>anime feet
Gonna need some examples.
Thank you for this example, user.
Have something in return.
I really, really like flat chests
So you like male chests.
I don't think you've ever read 'Brave New World' before.
Insult Order
And that's a good thing.
thanks king
100% still not big enough
ah the pedo thread
>can engage any fetish or sexual desire of my choosing through the internet
>can play any game through the internet
>have on demand meal options a medieval king couldn't even dream of
>can read any novel, listen to any song, learn almost anything I'm curious about
>none of it makes me feel less empty inside
a brave new world indeed
Human has infinite desires.
We have created many things, but humman has stayed the same.
Bunnygirls are so much better than cat girls
The bra strap looked weird though
instant gratification is a mind killer.
On paper, we'd kill to be able to have anything we wanted whenever we wanted but in practice, we often fail to realize that things lose their significance this way
if you didn't have to work for it, what good is it anyways?