Make one mistake

>make one mistake
>get locked into the bad ending

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Save/condom often. This is the only form of savescumming I encourage.

your dad was very unlucky indeed

>gave gives player freedom to prevent the mistake from happening in the first place
>game gives player freedom to fix mistake anyway

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I've never used a condom during sex, and I never will. The risk is half the fun.

He should at least crack a smile, what's his kid going to think if they ever saw the picture?

like my old man used to say
one second no attention, all life a father

>>get locked into the bad ending
nope because I got a vasectomy lmao

Ok, boomer

>spawned in the Cult country

damn that bitch looks crazy i want to impregnate a yandere

I only use a condom if I fuck her in the ass. Keeps my dick clean if I wana switch later.

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He looks upset as if he wasnt the one who just locked a chick above his league in. I guess being young he thinks he can still do better.

This is one of the reasons I'll never have sex. I've had now five girls in the past express the fact that they wanted to have sex with me, even going as far as to saying they'll come pick me up to do so but I always turned them down. I usually make excuses like "I'm already seeing someone" or "I caught covid" for them to get the memo. Hopefully one day I'll get the bravery to say yes.

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sure thing weeb
how does it feel to be a genetic dead end?

could be worse, you could live alone your whole life and die alone

>tfw my gf was barren and it fucked her up so hard that she left me for an asexual guy who wouldn't notice and has a separate room for his lego sets

as if she cant have kids? why wont she want sex still though?

Is there anymore to this story? Also I'm sorry... or happy that you're now with someone who is fertile?

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If your girl doesnt blush...
I guess shes real then.

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white boi colonizing tacos

>dated a girl when I was 20
>pregnancy scare
>devising a plan to leave the country, had the ticket bought was going to fly then hitch hike to somewhere in east europe
>gf had freak abortion
>havent had sex again for 15 years
Fuck that

I am deathly afraid of having sex.

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She felt guilty that she couldn't give me kids even though I told her that I didn't mind. This was just before the coof so I haven't been able to go out with a lot of other people yet.

im in the same boat but because im short and a premature ejaculator lol

My worst fear is having sex and she say I'm small/doing it horribly
You will be blocked in shame for a good moment before being able to leave

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Are you black?

My then gf accidentally got pregnant when we had been dating for two months. That was 10 years ago and now we're married. I was lucky I guess.

You can do more with your index finger than you could ever do with your dick. Learn to use your hands and/or mouth and you're set.

>nigger hitchhiking through eastern europe
nice joke user, theyd find him in a day

>mfw 28yo and never had sex
>don't even crave for it
>don't want children or a gf
>genuinely enjoy being single and doing whatever I want while saving a lot of money

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Planned Parenthood is a den of Satan.

wtf if i stabbed my gf they wouldnt let me smoke in the damn lobby

Uh majority of europe is full of black and browns.

tfw coomed in a girl in the ass when she was 16 and it most likely wont happen again

So you're saying she single now? Do I have a shot?

you mean based country


>tfw my gf was barren
is it really demoralising to women that have this problem?

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Damn straight

Have you talked to her since?

altars of moloch

>tell myself when i was 21 if i not find a girl till 25y i will go for a hooker
>still virgin

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Eastern yurop is 80% white and the rest assorted turkish people and muslims

You're thinking of pozzed countries like Germany, Uk, Norway, Sweden, etc

>cant complete primary objective programmed into every female
yea uh, i think its gonna do some damage to your psyche

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Lose virginity

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>you now realize pro-abortion activists are abortions that should have happened.

You want more than just sex, probably.

Nice try yurocuck.

It's literally your one purpose in life.

how exactly is this a bad thing? I was completely alone for the last 6 years and I feel fine ( no family, no friends, no gf ).
People are backstabbers and cunts anyway

I have had sex. You can't have sex. Dilate.

As someone thats been there yes, if they have the desire to have a child and can't it will eat away like a cancer. No amount of "I don't want to have a kid anyway" will ever change that.

imagine caring about where ur dick goes, who the fuck cares if your a virgin or not, just do what u like nigga

>getting banned before you even have a chance to play
What games have done this?

Learn how to foreplay. Practice kegel. Memorize girl's g-spot.