Bloodborne is incredibly overrated and average

bloodborne is incredibly overrated and average

>central yharnam
best level in the game, great bosses
>cathedral ward and old yharnam
great level, great bosses
>forbidden woods
bad level but good boss
>hemwick charnel lane
forgettable level, bad boss
worst level in the game with bad boss
good level but bad boss
>hypogean gaol
meh level meh boss
>nightmare of mensis
terrible level with worst boss in the game (micolash), and one decent boss (wet nurse)
>upper cathedral ward
bad level, 1 bad boss (emmisary) 1 good boss (ebrietas)
good level, good boss
>nightmare frontier
horrible level with cool optional boss
>lecture building
>hunter's dream
cool hub and the final bosses are good

that's only a handful of bosses and areas that are actually decent surrounded by levels that are either just bad or mediocre

when people look back and think "omg bloodborne is such a masterpiece d00d", they're thinking of the first half
and probably also the final bosses and the dlc
but it's still a measurable fact that nearly 50% of bloodborne ranges from mediocre to downright garbage

it's hardly challenging, most of the enemies take no time at all to kill and the only roadblocks you'll come against will be the enemy hunters which are more often than not more difficult than actual bosses.

chalice dungeons are a complete waste of time that were just added to pad out the game whenever you get bored of the main areas, and every single "boss" you find in them will be below average at best with no kind of challenge. an interesting idea in practice but poorly executed and should've just been left in the idea guy's head instead of cutting what could've been another 3 or 4 levels for what amounts to wasted storage space.

DLC doesn't make the base game any better if you have to pay extra to get the best areas and bosses the game has to offer.

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don't care, sip this dick

don't care, sip this dick

bloodborne is incredibly overrated and average

>central yharnam
best level in the game, great bosses
>cathedral ward and old yharnam
great level, great bosses
>forbidden woods
bad level but good boss
>hemwick charnel lane
forgettable level, bad boss
worst level in the game with bad boss
good level but bad boss
>hypogean gaol
meh level meh boss
>nightmare of mensis
terrible level with worst boss in the game (micolash), and one decent boss (wet nurse)
>upper cathedral ward
bad level, 1 bad boss (emmisary) 1 good boss (ebrietas)
good level, good boss
>nightmare frontier
horrible level with cool optional boss
>lecture building
>hunter's dream
cool hub and the final bosses are good

that's only a handful of bosses and areas that are actually decent surrounded by levels that are either just bad or mediocre

when people look back and think "omg bloodborne is such a masterpiece d00d", they're thinking of the first half
and probably also the final bosses and the dlc
but it's still a measurable fact that nearly 50% of bloodborne ranges from mediocre to downright garbage

it's hardly challenging, most of the enemies take no time at all to kill and the only roadblocks you'll come against will be the enemy hunters which are more often than not more difficult than actual bosses.

chalice dungeons are a complete waste of time that were just added to pad out the game whenever you get bored of the main areas, and every single "boss" you find in them will be below average at best with no kind of challenge. an interesting idea in practice but poorly executed and should've just been left in the idea guy's head instead of cutting what could've been another 3 or 4 levels for what amounts to wasted storage space.

DLC doesn't make the base game any better if you have to pay extra to get the best areas and bosses the game has to offer.

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I bet there's at least one Zig Forumsirgin that has loudly sipped to try and imitate Shazam, only to be told by their mom that they're being too loud, to which they recoil and stop

Sipping through a straw isn't that loud, incel.

don't care, sip this dick

I agree with every area description op but i still think bb is a masterpiece

Don’t care, still platting Bloodborne


Don’t care, still gonna play Bloodborne when I get my PS5

still buying cyberpunk


It is when you only have ice and a bit of drink left in the cup, retard.

bloodborne is incredibly overrated and average

>central yharnam
best level in the game, great bosses
>cathedral ward and old yharnam
great level, great bosses
>forbidden woods
bad level but good boss
>hemwick charnel lane
forgettable level, bad boss
worst level in the game with bad boss
good level but bad boss
>hypogean gaol
meh level meh boss
>nightmare of mensis
terrible level with worst boss in the game (micolash), and one decent boss (wet nurse)
>upper cathedral ward
bad level, 1 bad boss (emmisary) 1 good boss (ebrietas)
good level, good boss
>nightmare frontier
horrible level with cool optional boss
>lecture building
>hunter's dream
cool hub and the final bosses are good

that's only a handful of bosses and areas that are actually decent surrounded by levels that are either just bad or mediocre

when people look back and think "omg bloodborne is such a masterpiece d00d", they're thinking of the first half
and probably also the final bosses and the dlc
but it's still a measurable fact that nearly 50% of bloodborne ranges from mediocre to downright garbage

it's hardly challenging, most of the enemies take no time at all to kill and the only roadblocks you'll come against will be the enemy hunters which are more often than not more difficult than actual bosses.

chalice dungeons are a complete waste of time that were just added to pad out the game whenever you get bored of the main areas, and every single "boss" you find in them will be below average at best with no kind of challenge. an interesting idea in practice but poorly executed and should've just been left in the idea guy's head instead of cutting what could've been another 3 or 4 levels for what amounts to wasted storage space.

DLC doesn't make the base game any better if you have to pay extra to get the best areas and bosses the game has to offer.

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Based Shazamchad

No, it really isn’t.

It won't hurt anyone's ears, but it's louder than the average person's speaking voice.

No, you are wrong. It would be very easy to talk over someone sipping from an empty drink at normal volume.


I agree except for Nightmare Frontier, the only bad parts about it are the poison swamp below and the winter lanters

But it's not empty, the glass would have traces of water from melted ice cubes that would make a ton of noise while getting sucked up

Okay. But you are still wrong. They are only loud as presented in movies. Even if you push yourself to suck from a straw as obnoxiously as possible, it won't be that audible outside of a six-foot or more range.

If you're at a restaurant with your mother, she would be within that six foot range

Yes but it wouldn't be as annoyingly loud as it is presented and cliche film/TV scenes. Your mother would have no reason to care that much because no one outside of her will hear it really and it's not so loud that it will annoy her either.

Zig Forumstards really do argue about anything

Don’t care, still gonna sip loudly.

You don't know my or anyone else's mom, dude.
Plus, the distance between tables varies from restaurant to restaurant. Hell, you could be in a diner booth with someone right behind you.

Shazam is right about this on. Still buying CP2077 though.

holy based

I know shazamfag is just baiting but pasta or not he’s genuinely correct, BB is overrated as fuck and doesn’t have much going for it beyond a cool look

Dont care, you will never get it on PC

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Kekekekekekek! PCfags are STILL upset huh??? Kekekekekekekekekek!!!! Never ever!!!

Still game of the decade.



sekiro is better