>party member betrays you
Party member betrays you
How come every pic of Walter White is just an image of him cooming in different angles?
because bryan cranston cant act for shit
lisa the painful spoilers
thats how I felt with lisa, except no one really betrayed me, they just realised what was the greater good, I hated killing terry
gem = bumped
what do you get out of being a contrarian?
>protagonist that you've been playing as for the whole game betrays (You), the player, and leaves
my jaw dropped to my nuts when it revealed batters sprite in final battle, kino twist
mr whiter i must confiscate your steam acounter
Not that user but he really is a meme actor. Every role he plays its just Hal in another costume.
Off is one of those games that you will continue to randomly think about at odd hours of the day years after you've played it.
go back newfag
for sure, played it over a decade ago, still remember bits of dialogue n shit, though to be fair I do still listen to some of the OSTs to this day so its not like I wouldn't remember it
how are Walt and Hal similar?
They have the same face duh
Hank did nothing wrong.
Breaking Bad is probably the most reddit show I've ever watched, and I don't know how Zig Forums likes it.
>yeah bitch, science!
>pick on someone your own size, tough guy!
>more than that... i respect the strategy
>Heisenberg, an epic science man
>I ain't no skank YAS QUEEN
>NOO junkie baby so sad :(
He could've let Walt die in peace and enjoy the benefits of having a millionaire family. The damage was already done, it's not like arresting Walt or destroying the money would've changed anything.
Well Zig Forums?
Unlike you, hank does not have the morality of a child. He understands that you do the right thing because it's the right thing, not because of the consequences of not doing it.
i will ban your habbo
you're reddit if you don't like breaking bad redditor
Nah, Hank did it out of hurt pride and ego, not any sort of morality. He couldn't stand his supposedly meek brother in law being the drug kingpin operating right under his nose.
i would love to hear your definition of "reddit"
but you'll just deflect
Yeah bitch! Science, oh!
>you can prevent the betrayal by doing events with the party member
Easily the most top 10 overrated shows no doubt, like walking dead levels. Gustavo and Tuco were only kino characters
Jesse, we need to coom
In Tales of Symphonia when Zelos betrays you, it's almost worse than when Kratos does earlier in the game.
Yeah no problem let me equip my best items to you so you can turn against me.
Someone post the soijak edit of this
They have the same actor :^)
I love the name Walter.
I have never seen Breaking Bad, what is the context of this scene?
>Best performance in the last 20 years
>can't act
It's a huge spoiler that happens right near the end
Walter's brother in law gets shot right in front of him by nazis
This. That moment was devastating. 10/10 episode
You don't wanna know if you haven't watched it
I'm a massive autist who will intentionally spoil myself in advance before watching a movie or show because surprises and suspense freaks me out.
Walt accidentally gets his brother in law killed
>Main character betrays party member and becomes the villain
>You now control the party member
not only that
>also keeps all of your equipment you decked him with
another pedophile contributing nothing to the thread
They're both white cis males who like being in tighty whites and bearing retarded children
>kill the villagers
>you betrayed your party
>choose to save the villagers
>your best friend betrays the party and kills the villagers
fucking bullshit
ogre is an overrated shitshow