Why don't you like me Zig Forums ?
Why don't you like me Zig Forums ?
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But I do? It was kino.
you have good taste user
Im not even aware you exist most of the time.
Shit environment, shit atmosphere, shit enemies, went on longer than it should have.
If I had to give any praise to the game it would be for the flying mechanics and the graphics (which will age over time)
It's a tech demo.
Have you played Max Payne? Yes?
If so, then you don't need to deepen your wounds.
Played it like 6 months ago, it was pretty good.
Your retarded pacing doesn't match the 'found lore' narrative that you're desperately trying to cobble together.
Next time make a point and click game if you want me to give a shit about the pseudo-rpg bullcrap AS WELL AS the smoothbrained gunplay AND the "story".
Not into this kinda movies.
I bet you have no problem playing doom watching your melee attack cutscene once every 5 seconds
The stuff you read in files is more interesting than whatever happens in game, both side content and main story events.
All that interworld travel and weird bullshit in text and game only shows some pillars and sand.
Enemies are boring and combat is repetetive.
Gun is wasted potential.
Environments are bland as fuck.
Map is terrible.
Upgrades system sucks ass.
Only the music level realised true potential of the whole "shifting building" idea.
good graphics, boring gameplay
I enjoyed the shit out of you despite some frame drops and performance issues (also think the game would of been much better if the whole """open world""" aspect was taken out.)
The only people here who hate you are incels who are triggered you aren't a OMG BOOBA!!!! anime girl.
This. /thread
>OP so BTFO by legit criticism he has to autofellate with a strawman
It was alright. I liked the world a lot, the professor and director were great, but Jesse and her brother were not.
>2 retards instead of 1
>this somehow changes the points brought up by everyone else about how bad the game is
didn't you make this thread about alan wake just a while ago?
>get called out for being a new newfag who cant spot samefag
lmfao election tourists are pathetic
how the fuck do you know that???????
I actually wanted to get this but then they announced the Epic exclusive shit. Lost all hype. Don't even want it on sale now.
Yeah I know it's on steam now, but as I said. Lost all interest. If it's under $10 at one point I may get it.
Stop being a faggot crying about some actual competition against the steam monopoly
>talking like a newfag
>shit's all reddit
Yeah but why does the game still suck?
>j-just buy the game I like even tho u don't like et!
fuck off jeuden
I get paid a percentage of contributed sales, can you just buy it now? I'm from pakistan and I have 5 kids they are hungry can you just buy the game please my kids are hungry thank you sir
Buy it on steam then, retard.
I bought 3 DLC packs for Dead or Alive 6. Am I doing it right?
>steam monopoly
I don't think you know the meaning of that word. Nothing about exclusivity is better for the consumer. Most publishers release on Steam because it obviously has the biggest market share on PC. Not once did they sign any exclusivity deal. They simply don't release it anywhere else because it's not worth paying the standard fee when they wont have that many sales through those stores. If publishers want to list their games on every store, that's fine with me. The moment they sign exclusivity whether is Steam or anyone else, they're trash.
I slept on it since release. Just started it a week ago and it was kino the whole time. I regret waiting. This shit is Infamous in a building.
Too late. Don't want it now. You wanted to know why a lot of people didn't like or buy the game. That's my reason.
he's not the op, I'm op I'm from pakistan my kids are waiting for you to buy the game so they can have bread tonight, thank you very much sir
Pretty much this.
Imagine re-inventing the wheel and then only selling it in one store.
That's the kind of potential for success and further support that gets lost when games go 'exclusive'.
On a personal note, I feel as though that extends to 'console exclusives' as well. You limit the power of a good game and you're only hurting potential new consumers.
It's a 10 hour, shallow tech demo. Not good or bad.