Other urls found in this thread:
it is happening tonight
Damn, can't wait until it's Dream's turn. Xer transition will be glorious.
when did super mario brother U get here?
>sends nudes to underaged women
>lies about being sexually assaulted while being a known sex pest
>literally broke up his mother's only relationship after his father died because of what a complete and utter autist/asshole he was
>got kicked out of his house, moved to a streamer house, was so grossly incompetent and obnoxious that he got kicked out of that too
>begs his mom to come back, openly calls her a disgusting piece of shit for not supporting those chicago riots a few months later
>Became the champion of 4D chess by leaking his own nudes pre-emptively when teh trolls got them
>Told his mom to dump his girlfriend on the phone for him and she actually fucking did it
Is he, dare I say, our guy?
These threads used to be fun but you are actually obsessed with him, we don't need a daily update of his attention seeking tweets.
I do, though.
>he followed an eceleb
okay sonichu
I remember seeing this image for years before finally getting the context and I just assumed Chibi was wearing some elaborate headpiece that gave him a giant popped-up collar
Speedrunning is the most retarded vidya related thing ever, I have more respect for switch soiredditors or gacha coomers than speerunning trannies.
Is it some sort of autistic evolution of gotta go fast Sonic degenerates?
people have spoken
Trash Waifu appreciator
Sonic is the source of autism
without sonic there would not exist autism,there would not have been neets and no one would be living in their mothers basemant
So long as you don't include TASfriends in that basket I can agree with you.
They're interesting to watch though. Speedrunners are a consant source of content be it WRP docos or drama
Speedruns have been going on since mario kart 64 zoomer
Name 1 (ONE) game with pig villains
When did it all go wrong and how can you prevent this?
Tomba 2
as soon as he was born
psyche ward
Diddy kong racing
Animal Farm
remove internet access to third world countries and people that actually care about e-celeb shit will be gone
Why are we having this thread daily now? Put it on the backburner for christ's sake
english aren't hard
psychwards should just be comfy neet dens. Dole is already a thing for NEETs and Hikis. Make the qol and pay better for getting comitted and they'd do it in a heart beat.
Tell me that would improve society AND the life of losers
>take the autist out of his mother's basement
>put him in society's basement never to return
What drives a person to post this multiple times a day?
Who was in the wrong here?
pigs are best npc in minecraft
thank you for the list of evil pigs in video games
Show me Chibi in the dress. How have I still not seen Chibi in the dress?
It's not posted multiple times a day. It's posted daily. Think of it as OP trying to keep Zig Forums up to date on what chibi does.
we don't need to see them ever again
good enough
>quality thread on Zig Forums posted daily?
come this evening to chibis stream and you will see him
just don't post anything about him transitioning or you will be banned
What if Chibi is the one making these threads?
Iwata he shouldn't have died
Its either him or someone equally as pathetic to care enough.
I'm already banned from xer chat, long before xhe cheated at Paper Mario.
are these real? i thought he didnt want to be a walking joke anymore.
are we all gonna tune in bros
chibi apparently said faggot last night on stream
What are Kirby's bananas for?
>What if Chibi is the one making these threads?
>are these real? i thought he didnt want to be a walking joke anymore.
what if he's grown a humiliation fetish from the incident...
Maybe he doesn't want it, but it just comes naturally to him.
link me the vid. This is the final chibi thing I've yet to see
>speedrunning community
name a worse one.
just made alt account ,it takes like 2 min to do
Is it a requirement to have some kinda mental defect to speedrun games?
ofc we will tell him how cute he looks so he starts taking HRT sooner so can up the %
Why do we have this exact same thread every day
i don't know
sitting alone in house playing the same game for hours to beat it 1 min faster then the last time
nothing wrong there
Yes but the degree to which you are defenctive has become greater as the community became "main stream" so trend chasing spergs joined rather than naturally obessive autists.