19 years later and it's still better than your shitty fighting/party game of choice

19 years later and it's still better than your shitty fighting/party game of choice.

Attached: Super_Smash_Bros_Melee_box_art.png (267x373, 176.09K)

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And unironically has better netplay than the latest installement that is actively updated by Nintedo

>only 2 replies
Lmao nobody cares about you meleefags


>smash is full of pedos
>other fighting games have trannies that cancel everyone better than them
i just wanted to mash buttons

Attached: db8.jpg (600x567, 41.63K)

>threads about free games with god tier gameplay get no replies
>threads about speculating the next paid advertisement for a console exclusive with trash gameplay hit the bump limit multiple times a day
are you laughing because it hurts?

I’m happy to not be autistic

Phew.... this thread smells like SHIT

Is it true that melee fans don't even play the game, and that most of their enjoyment comes from watching the top players?

>party game

No Ultimate still soundly beats it there. More stages, more characters, accommodates up to 8 players, you can combine special rules, etc

I think the one thing Melee has over it is the limit on Pokeballs. And to be fair, having 10 mons out at once was pretty great.

>Game is as much fun to watch as it is to play
Is there something particularly wrong with that?

Attached: ledgehog.webm (648x423, 1.35M)

Reread my post.

yes, the vast majority of Zig Forums meleefags are just here for eceleb gossip and streamthreads

I've seen some people talk about their own play, but very very rarely

Ultimate is better

it's true but that's just because no one on this site plays any video games at all

I've been watching Melee since 2009 and I've never even played it which makes me a megafag, in fact it's the only Smash game I've never played. Nobody had a Gamecube in the UK

Is it true that ultimate fans don't even play the game, and that most of their enjoyment comes from speculating about leaks they read about on resetera?

Pro melee is sick. I don't play slippi because there's no ranked play yet, I would rather gradually get better and climb ranks instead of how it is now where I hop into a game and immediately get matched vs. someone a million times better than me.

Get a life, Leffen

There's a reason you hardly see anybody talking about this game user. They are all busy playing.

Speaking of, reply with your connect code so I can play one of yall

>party game!
Don't care I'm still playing Melee.

Ultimate is better than melee. I’m not ashamed to say it and I know a lot of you are thinking it

OG meleefags dont post even on the Internet most of the "Melee" fags here are self despreciating smash4/brawl/ultimate/pm fags that think they are cooler because they worship other game, most of them urronically ecelebs worship and base their opinion not only for Smash but for live in general.

my buddy and I were always on the same skill level and we still play once every other week. last time it was for 3 hours straight. just a few characters each and legal stages only.
the switch can hardly handle multiple bt controllers let alone multiple joycons for each player. I know most people don’t care, or maybe they don’t know they care, but the input lag is fucking atrocious. you really don’t need any more items than what were in melee, the item bloat that started in brawl were just reskins or slight mods of old items, even the pokeballs suck. literally the only thing ult has is characters and stages
maybe here on Zig Forums
this, the farthest most old meleefags go beyond their core scene friends is discord or facebook, maybe even twitter

I play Ultimate only because I am too shit to play Melee, so I guess you're right. Feels bad.

The ones that spend ample time shitposting online, yes.

Do you think Armada came out of the pussy doing wavedashes? It takes practice user

But why?? I play ultimate because I like ultimate gameplay over Melee, I dont play ultimate because of the "Melee bootleg feel" there are like 4 other games that replicate that feel better, like it makes sense if you only see the marketing, but ultimate and Melee doesnt control in any way similar, hell ultimate doesnt control like brawl or even smash 4 sans some characters.


Because normalfag friends are too lazy or stupid to set up an emulator so I just play Ultimate with them, and prolonged exposure to Ultimate and its mechanics like input buffering make switching games back and forth very difficult.