u belong in the cringe department if u linked the flame in 3
the cuddling with firekeeper in the dark ending is kino. Fuck the fire and fuck the hollowfuckers
stonetoss is a nazi
Yeah yeah we know reddit
I feel like playing DS3
Should i wait until the feeling passes? Or what build should i make?
>implying I care
faith tank using the great lance you got from an early dancer kill
that's still a dark age ending, only difference between that and the Londor ending is that they don't get a super charged undead leader. Of the 4 endings, 3 of them are leading to an age of dark just under slightly different terms.
>usurp the flame and lead Londor in the age of dark
>usurp the flame for yourself and enter the age of dark
>extinguish the flame and enter the age of dark
>be a simp for Gwyn and rekindle the flame even though it's completely pointless as everyones already dead and humans have been played like idiots the entire time
The whole point of 3 is that trying to keep the flame alive is dumb and doing so all this time has fucked the world beyond repair.
>early dancer kill
uh, i haven't played in a while and i was never all that great
>get dark hand
>slap da booty
and down she goes
What's the downside of linking the fire in DaS1? People lived for hundreds of years more, sounds like it was worth it.
It fucked with the natural cycle. Humans where supposed to rule in the age of dark, but by relinking the flame you're keeping Gwyn's lineage on top and humans under their boot.
It leads to 3.
The natural cycle takes place for a reason, and fucking that cycle fucks the world.
Personally I think it's that there's a limited number of souls but in the age of dark humanity spreads like crazy and gives souls back to the hollows and eventually sapience is back and there's enough concentration of souls to where the fire rekindles.
But I'm not vaati, so I'm probably full of shit.
It seems every new cycle after linking the fire becomes shorter and shorter, it seems to corrupt life because it's unnatural too.
yes women are vain and much more superficial than men.
what is new
Linking the fire is for traditional values and extinguishing the fire is something only commie niggers want so fuck you.
Pretty gud
Reminder that Aldrich did nothing wrong, he was seeking payback for being fooled by Gwynevere's fake tits.
More like linking the fire is for naive utopians (commies) and letting the fire fade is for those who accept human nature for what it is instead chasing impossible ideals heedless of the consequences (traditionalists)
linking the fire is for cucks who want to sacrifice themselves for a system that not only doesn't work but wouldn't serve them regardless without even knowing why
I don't get this revolutionary PoV. Gwyn is fucking dead, his carcass is stuck forever in the Kiln waiting for someone to rekindle it, it's not like he's enjoying this shit one bit. Apparently the gods also fucked off to obscurity and only Gwyndolin remains in the abandoned city of the gods as his eternal duty. The gods apparently don't even have that much influence in the world anyway, so why are they a problem?
The dillema should be more focused on humans themselves deciding whether life with fire as they know, or seeking the true darkness is the best path to take.
It's more that women have the power to decide a posteriori what is or isn't harassment.
Gwyns daughter was married into the top of the Lothric line which in practice became a death cult kingdom dedicated to re-linking the flame, so we know his influence was manipulating humans right until the ruins of life left in DaS3.
>it's not like he's enjoying this shit one bit
Indeed, Gwyn was such a narcissist he would rather eternally burn himself than see men succeed his age and take control
And you are a tranny. Nobody gives a fuck in both cases.
Or maybe he just believed the Dark is ultimately evil and did what he thought was best. But it doesn't matter, this lore is more fanfiction than canon anyway so we both could be correct.
>t. Turtle wow tranny