Have you ever played a game before it gets translated?

Have you ever played a game before it gets translated?
Sequel thread

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>not learning japanese to play obscure porn games without having to wait on translations

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There are a lot of VNs which only have the menu translated or some other small percentage. Machine translation has gotten much better over the years, but it's still garbage. With a backlog full of games there are too many other better options vying for your time.

I wonder, why wouldnt some people move away from RPG maker and do something themselves in lets say, Unity?
Unity even has the block-like coding for people that has zero idea about programming

Personally I'm been thinking for a while about making a low poly, mostly 2D game, with really small UV maps up to the pixels, zero antialiasing, so it also looks pixelated since I really like pixelart.
See pic related, love those looks

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Is that luka?

I'm also split between making the characters 3D or not, and instead go for a "everything except world are sprites" which seemed to work just fine for Pokemon gens 5 and 6

I have. A really useful skill to have

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Pretty much just a Luka expy, yeah. And a footfag.
MC basically hides in the communal bedroom and waits for him to enter so she can jump him.
They probably have enough work on their hands without having to learn a more complicated engine/how to code. I know if I ever made a porn game I wouldn't feel super motivated to go learn coding just for that.

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>hakika uploaded most of Colony's OST on his channel
>except for Fracture
>tfw can't listen it on my phone

Fuck, kill, marry. Your choices are: Noja, Noshm, and Nordol. Who do you choose, anons?

I played FE Gaiden before Echoes released

Cool game, but play with FF pressed

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I don't get it, how can a Nosh so small not get split in half from anything bigger than a pinky finger?

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marry noja
fuck noshm
kill nordol

She's a tank, user. It's her job to take hits.

I play it quite often actually

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>fucking your pillow

She’s just built different, user. She likes it rough

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kill all three because they drop materials to make some of the best accessories in the game

Do you not?

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Kill this user for trying to kill noja

is their a gallery for all the sex scenes yet?

there is more than just what hakika uploaded youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMqMdhH4dH-q_6pgK0yLzEJ26SkDfW2qR
i'll do you a solid though, i just use the vlc app and then just copy links into the download thingy there and you can listen on your phone from the vlc app without having to convert it from ogg. do that with this link a.uguu.se/uybzzb.ogg

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Nier Replicant

Yes. one in each game

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This is false advertisement, should at least be how hard she can masturbate

>can't forcefeed wine and diuretics to each girl for a scene
I just want to see the titfox powerwash the patio, why live?

yeah, i knew about that playlist but sadly fracture is not in there
didn't know about that website though, that sounds really handy

pretty based

Play Asylum if you want PISS

I guess yeah
But honestly I'd rather have a custom built base that I know what I am doing and shit than making a generic looking rpg because of RPG maker

user, there’s literally a scene where she pees in your mouth

I'm playing Asylum right now.

How do you make your familiar level up?

Fair. I think I'd make custom tiles and stuff, but learning coding to me just sounds incredibly unfun.
You gotta find a key item, think it was 罪の石 or something. Then you can upgrade them at the bench in your house. It doesn't actually increase their level iirc but it does give them a skill point and stat boosts.

I saw 4 of yanie's scenes and quit when none of them were as good as Blight

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Right, that was a thing. How do you translate that anyway, either door stone or sin stone
When do you get that item? I'm getting way stronger my familiar, I want to buff him up somehow.

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**way stronger than my familiar

I know right? Her scenes in Blight were amazing but only like 2/6 of her scenes are remotely good in Awake

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