Do you watch any twitch streamers?

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only this fatfuck
sometimes I also watch Joel

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Not unless it's a game I'm trying to improve at.

>communist killing himself
what's new?

only tyler1 but his top lane play is so bad I can't stand it lately

>Do you watch any twitch streamers?

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I watch T1 but only his variety streams
I just think watching him ramble theorize about the game he’s playing, making his autistic chat become confused is funny

Talking about suicide is against TOS. If mods didn't ban him, the channel could be deleted, lol.

Yeah I watch Mang0 and Demolition_D occasionally

I wonder if anyone here who's said they're going to kill themselves has actually done it.

Why are subhumen allowed rights?

Streaming is fucking lame.

Nope I can afford my hobby so I don’t need to live vicariously through others or have them shine me on for funding their game shenanigans.

Jerma, Forsen and xqc

I like Wilbur Soot he's got great music and generally an entertaining guy.

zoomer core

Only one, I've been watching them on youtube since I was like 14 so it just felt natural to follow them to twitch when they went over there. I like that he only plays games he enjoys and doesn't milk game of the months even if chat spergs about it.

1/2 of vidya boards are eceleb

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Only ever did watch fighting game tournaments and a bit of Lord Aris.

>one based boy
>two livestreamfail core fags

How do I be a twitch streamer. Do I just need to play games at the same time everyday.

the midged and hagrid

ATP content via YT, brought to you by Lord n0pants

any streamer that has vods uploaded to youtube. embedded ads and twitch chat are cancer

Hey, alright.

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So did he do it or not?

Unless you have giant tits or a following already somewhere like youtube just be consistent and accept that the best you are going to get is a small tight-nit community and be okay with that.

How the fuck is this dude so bad at Sonic?

Destiny, Neuro, M^2, Lacari

2 streamers I mainly watch are both in their mid-30s, have no wife or children, and has a chat full of furries, homosexuals, and transgender people.

Northernlion is cool, but his chat can be pretty pozzed so I keep it off.


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>only this fatfuck sometimes I also watch this other fatfuck

you guys are watching iateyourpie right

Lmao that face is emote worthy

You have to network with smaller streamers trying to make affiliate. Then follow bigger streamers than you, chat with them, support them and have them raid/host you.
During Covid I have a few friends trying to stream and that is what people do from what they have gathered. They've both got around 10-15 viewers now each stream, shill each other, try to get bigger streamers attention, trying to join bigger streamers games etc.
It's quite cringe when they explained it to me but it's something to do I guess.

Seems about right

good streamer
ruined gachi
any juicers? xqcL xqcL, he's ok

What drives you guys to watch 3d streamers? I sorta understand 2D streamers but personally I can't get behind watching someone play video games if they're showing their face via webcam.

No. What the fuck is wrong with zoomers?

I used to watch Hitch, pretty comfy streams of a dude hitchhiking around the world, too bad his channel's dead because of wuhan aids. Would also watch this 60 year old dude who lived in his car and traveled around the US, he had like 10 viewers and would tell stories and actually chat with us, wonder what happened to him, his channel is gone.

Watching people play video games is retarded though.

Sometimes I watch jerma

I watch the only streamer that matters

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