Was bethesda dropping redpills?

>diversity is good!! I’ve talked to ghouls they’re nice people!! let them in!!
Dumb white residents:
>durrr i guess i can give it a try!!
Smart white residents
>ya I’m leaving if that happens
And what happened? All the white residents that stayed died by their diversity sympathy. Thoughts on this mission?

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I feel like there was an unfinished element to this quest. That or three 3 ghouls were just scumbags through and through. Basically just raiders.

Probably the most blackpilled quest bethesda has ever made.

But ghouls ARE white?

you consider ghouls as people?

Also in Fallout 3 the leader of the slavers was black

>this is your brain on Zig Forums niggery

no you fucking retard, it was a meme quest about "lol fuck the rich, like just take their stuff man"

Incredibly based

The ghouls had money to stay at the hotel too? I think you’re just coping and also idk what pole you’re talking about. Pls make more sense when you post

Thank you based Zig Forums poster for the white power thread.

1. They weren't all white
2. Those biggots deserved to die

He doesn't like ghouls
Simple as

Did you even read my post?

Guys, OP's talking about Tenpenny tower.

Raise your hand if you really bothered with getting that ghoul mask. I know I haven't.

it certainly seemed so.

just reaplce ghouls with niggers and this is a shadow Zig Forumsthread fuck outta here.

Zig Forums has rotted your mind

No it wasn't. They all talk shit about ghouls except a few think they won't be bothersome. In fact everyone happy at first and you think they'll live in harmony. Come back and all the humans are dead and the ghouls call them fucking idiots for letting them in.

Dude you’ve been on the internet for too long if that’s what you think.

Ghoul mask is useless when they're so easy to kill. Like "oh shit better ruin this entire settlement so that I can get headgear to make radroaches avoid me". Ghouls are literally the bottom tier. If there was a mask for something equivalent to super mutants or above then it might be worthwhile on a very high difficulty.

>heh, if I'll use my minority status as an irradiated zombie monster I can pull the heartstrings of some naive chump and have them convince the others to let me and the rest of my bandit gang inside the tower!

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go to reddit if you dont like it nigger.

Still remember when I was a lefty and did this mission
I just couldn't understand why the ghouls would murder all the residents including the ex-radio star

the most redpilled thing is that no matter how nice you THINK ghouls are, they will inevitably always go feral

NEVER trust ghouls

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there’s a lot of annoying ghouls later in game and for certain areas

>not taking ghoul mask to RP as an ugly bastard

>everything is white supremacy!!
Seriously what’s wrong with you?

Ghouls were right, fuck Tenpenny and his shit tower.

If you got the broken steel DLC there's turboghouls on buffout with a billion health everywhere when you reach level 30, thanks to bethesda's terrible level system, but I agree that it's not worth ruining the best settlement in the game and getting Herbert motherfucking Daring Dashwood killed for it

>Implying I have to RP

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t. zombie still mad he has to sleep in a radioactive subway

i blasted off Roys ugly ghoul head the first time i saw him in front of the gate.

what were they thinking with those super mutants with 100,000 health?

Your natural sense to know human from non human kicked in and saved the white residents

pure cringe

>implying the ghouls were not white
Whitey kills whitey, as the world should be.