Attached: disgusting.png (515x358, 247.46K)
ITT: horrible downgrades
Lincoln Myers
Ian Nguyen
Her face looks perfect for catching my load. Based blizzard.
Easton Davis
Left can't show emotion so right is superior
Jaxson Phillips
Emotion isn't a requirement for a good character.
Zenyatta was fucking great and he's a monotone, featureless robot
Robert Murphy
neither can bastion but he still has 10 times as much soul as the other shit designs
Evan Rogers
>have to give the robot a face to justify your animation budget
Robert Baker
And he can only be le wacky spiritual monk insight bot. He's trapped to one character stereotype.
Christian Peterson
Bastion doesn't even talk and he's better than the human cast members.
Jaxon Cox
>change robot face to make it resemble a human
>make literally everything else high tech robotic that is barely humaniod let alone trying to pass as human
what is the thought process of this i thought retards that went to art school were taught how to make good characters
Matthew Perez
yeah man, that's why Wall E was such a terrible film...