Halo Infinite customization is monetized.
Halo subreddit seething.
Halo Infinite customization is monetized.
Halo subreddit seething.
i only wear the default armor in multiplayer anyway and i never change it
Armor COLORS are whats monetized, and its the shit shader system from Bungies Destiny to boot.
People should have expected this game to be monetized out the ass when it went free to play
Now I'm definitely skipping it
Anyhow post favorite armors
Why must every franchise die, Zig Forums?
Everyone's known 343 was gonna stuff it full of micro transactions for 2 years now. What did you expect?
game was already showing a lot of signs of being inspired by Destiny, it was easy to see the gameplay parallels from the reveal gameplay footage-- nonexistent map design (other than basic aesthetics), listless AI, pure shooting gallery with no threat. I'm sure some of that was normal e3 demo foolproofing but it could have just been destiny with a halo skin
Isn't it ironic that Halo was THE trendy thing of its time, and even nuBungie and Destiny were trying to ape its success at one point, but now Halo is trying to become like games like Destiny?
The Halo killer was Halo all along.
Inevitability of the corporate rat race.