My game is delayed XP

My game is delayed XP
You'll still buy it for me, right? XD

Attached: XD.jpg (183x425, 17.39K)

Its not launch anymore? Lmao dead in the water now


>not posting the webm
delete the thread and try again

Attached: le_coomer_pose.png (323x553, 28.43K)

Attached: 1602875313263.webm (500x688, 2.99M)


>You'll still buy it for me
nope because they said its gonna be on ps+ day one when it gets released. so since you already need plus to play online, theres no reason to pay for the game.

gym bunny thighs, grade a thigh gap and top tier calves, this game will flop but at least it gave us some dope wank material

Attached: COOOOOOOOOMMM.gif (640x532, 1.87M)

>thigh gap
u wot

Zig Forumsideogames