I'm a few hours in. Here's what I've seen so far...
I'm a few hours in. Here's what I've seen so far
lae'zel is cute
Niggers... niggers everywhere. Half of the characters are empowered (insufferable) women. Not many likeable characters so far.
The writing is okay. The worst things are the dialog options and cliche capeshit-style tropes.
I like the interactive environments. Picking up and throwing objects is fun. Dice rolls in dialog and environment is a nice touch.
The graphics look very nice (except for the jello beards), but it's so flashy it lacks any realism.
The clothes are classic retard RPG clothes. Why is my wizard wearing bracers? In real life, archers wore a single bracer to prevent the bowstring from slapping their arm. No reason for peasants and wizards to wear them.... but w/e.
The characters are shit. BG1&2 admittedly had some un-feminine women, who acted and fought like men (shar-teel), but at least they were likeable. This new BG has le strong women every 5 minutes, and they're just as insufferable as you'd think.
I'm glad i pirated this. I'll pay a little more and update if anyone is interested in my ramblings.
*play a little more, not pay. Shieet.
Found the racist.
I killed her immediately. Way too annoying. I only have Gale and the elf thief, whose name I can't remember
Negroids don't even play RPGs, so why are half the characters black?
actually low intellect
The elf is pretty annoying too, ngl
Give me one good reason why you're not playing a drow (chad race)