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Why is the thought of fucking a young schoolgirl so hot? Why is one of the most popular male fantasies being a teacher that gets seduced by a juvenile student of theirs? What's the science behind it?

based coom game

I wish her patronus was a horse with a huge horse cock, who's overwhelming cum would cause her belly to swell like a pregnant woman.
A man can only dream, I guess

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You just know in a world of body-morphing magic spells that this sort of shit would happen all the time. Except it would go horribly wrong, so you'd have the cute chick from homeroom coming to class the next day with tits so freakishly large she can hardly walk anymore. And the nerdy kid with no friends would literally have a third leg because he took someone's sarcasm seriously.

That's what I like about these schoolgirls, man.
I get older, they stay the same age. Yes they do.

Women are in their prime at the age of 15

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Imagine being the student councilor at Hogwarts and having to deal with kids who couldn't unmagic a spell that gave them massive balls or 4 tits. God I wish magic was real.

>game takes 1000000 fucking hours
>get like 3 scenes

The science is that physically women are at their most fertile at age 15-16.

we're biologically hardwired to fuck women in their prime, but jealous roasties outlaw it to keep their prime competition away from the only men who'll take them. notice that the countries with the least uppity women are the ones with the lowest age of consent.

>live in magical world
>get some desperate friendless loser tranny to drink polyjuice potions of cute girls so I can ravage his pussy whenever I want

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More like countries that aren't infested with Anglo and Germnigger filth.

Your seethe has been noted, pedophile.

>so I can ravage his pussy

>ravage his pussy
>his pussy



such is the magic of polyjuice potions. God bless potion making! No wonder that literal cuckold Snape went into that profession. I bet he saved a bunch of Lily Potter's hairs so he could feed potions to lab rats and fuck her at his whim

>Not fucking your bro in his pussy if he asks you to do it
user, you sound like a fucking faggot and a bad friend

>hating Anglos and germs makes me a pedo
You're a retard.

When I was teaching at uni and sent paper with solutions for exam exercisers across the class, I noticed that somebody drew hearts on it when it returned.

At another case and different class, one girl, normally pretty smart and all, would get all red and constantly smiling whenever I would call her to solve something in front of class. While other teaching guys would sometimes jokingly ask if I have any cut girls in class.

In both cases I felt embarrassed and uneasy, teacher should never abuse his position and such relations are forbidden.

thought it was less than that even
i cant imagine how itd be like to fall off in fame right after

A smelly fat neckbeard coomer wrote this post while marinating in a lake of sweat

>if I have any cut girls in class.
You've been Cutting cute girls you son of a bitch?

anyone else at first interested in this game but quickly turned off because you're once again playing as Robin William's genie for NO REASON? Why couldn't Akiwhatever make a new protag that's actually the appropriate age and build for hogwarts?

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Is this one any good? Princess Trainer was a complete package for me, and had excellent theming as well, that I just felt this game wouldn't have so I didnt try.

In half, if they forgot about homework.

Missed e key.

Why aren't schoolgirls real bros...

for me, it's having sugary sweets doll videos running on the second monitor while doing stuff on the first monitor

>Find homeless person
>Heal them with magic (no more STD's) and give them polyjuice to become cute girl with big tits and permanently tight pussy
>Memory wipe magic, make them my sex maid
>Live life fucking the daily shit out of my hot sex slave maid who cleans up after herself and nobody knows they're missing (was a hobo)
>No boundaries, let monsters like that cyclops or deer thing join the fun

As shitty as Four Elements Trainer is, I still enjoyed its writing a lot more compared to princess trainer. It also has Toph.

They're real, they just never look that nice in their uniforms cause real life uniforms aren't tailored.

Aren't polyjuice potions really hard to make and also don't last very long? I feel like that wouldn't work very well.

If you liked the little chibi animations in princess trainer then you will like this. If you want more cgi scenes then he cheaped out on it.

>he didn't have tailored uniforms
What kind of shitty school did you go to?

What did she mean by this


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Couldn't stand it past the Fire nation
The writting is way too fucking juvenile and it never takes itself seriously while trying to tell a serious story

idk user, been awhile since i've seen the movies. Let's just say I curse them instead.

because Akabur, to no surprise to anyone, is actually a hack

Aight, fair enough
Carry on

>have spells to make people your slave
>I'll do the same thing but in 100 steps

Why is he such a lazy faggot holy shit.
His new game is literally designed to squeeze money out of Patreon.
It speaks volume when his best "Episode" was literally all about re-using assets, character and locations from Princess Trainer.
His Ginny and Luna scenes were pretty good tho, especially with Ginny since you can cuck Harry and make him watch.

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>In both cases I felt embarrassed and uneasy, teacher should never abuse his position and such relations are forbidden.
Based respectfulbro

>could use magic to solve worlds problems
>lol nope, we just going to keep our secret club secret and lie to all those "unworthy" stupid humans

Wizards in HP were simply evil. I bet they had special units solely for killing people that found out too much. It was prime example of teaching kids racism ideas too.

young women are fertile. its an instinctive thing.

vidya gaymes