Xbox Series S too weak for ray tracing on DMCV:SE

>Xbox Series S too weak for ray tracing.
It's not just about resolution, Series S will have major cuts on DMCV:SE, and most likely on other games.
>Series S is just too weak for true next gen.

Attached: ElS8zalX0AAWML-.jpg (1920x1080, 963.38K)

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How can we kick this wave of newfags who know so little about this place that they can't even into greentext and they seem to think greentexting is just a way of separating lines?

"PC" is also too weak to support RT if you trust incompetent devs at Capcom.

>Budget version is inferior to premium version.

Not a surprise.

>>Xbox Series S too weak for ray tracing.
Thanks for stating the obvious!

The 3090 is also too weak for Raytracing. RT is a meme, silicon wasted to support a useless feature.

Attached: 1603767431624.jpg (1418x1579, 211K)

you are a brain damaged retard

If anything, it's 4k that's the meme here. Like shit, lower the resolution and voila, suddenly you get 60fps with raytracing no problem.

Why couldn’t they do 720p and 60fps with rayttacing?