What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: the-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild-sunset-i40519.jpg (470x709, 151.19K)

It's not Genshin Impact.

Korok seeds


It's boring.

boring dungeons, bow combat is not as good as other games where the primary weapon is the bow, and can't climb in rain, which is just fucking annoying.

Other than that it's a good game.

When you can climb anything, the terrain becomes pointless and level design meaningless. It doesn't matter what obstacles are put before you when you can just scale them.

>freedom bad

>noclip good

No proper dungeons and poor enemy selection given how big the map is but otherwise it was pretty good. Prey 2017 is the better game of 2017 but Botw definitely takes 2nd place