

Attached: ElWdGeXXEAgNZlb.png (601x276, 24.79K)

Can't trust a Polack.

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Next gen systems are the problem


oh god oh fuck

Pre-order uncancelled.

This. Consoles should be phased out of the industry, not embraced.

Dude this is seriously not good. This is not something you do a month from release with a huge title releasing during holiday season. Something is badly fucked with CP2077

dangerously based

and I didn't think they could over hype this anymore. it's going to be a blood bath on release.


Delayed because their woke devs spend all their time on Facebook trying to battle people in the comments section of every anti-leftist news article. I literally spent 4 hours fighting with one of the Cyberpunk senior devs over Antifa. These people aren't interested anymore in making a good game.

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at last I truly see

Is it possible to learn this autism?

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if true you should send the twitter conversation with timestamps to a manager and tell them that they are having twitter fights during work hours

When I asked him if he shouldn't be working on his shitty game during office hours he stopped replying. I've lost all hope for this game. It's going to be politicized af. They're probably awaiting the results of the election to somehow incorporate an "orange man bad" scene.

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They said it won't be delayed before the first time it was delayed.

Goddammit stop spilling the board your motherfucking spaghetti all over the place. Why the fuck can't you keep your garbage contained to 1 thread? More than half the threads in pages 1 and 2 are nothing but your garbage

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pics or it didn't happen

Why do you care? We have to wait a month for the patches and the good crack anyway

damn I was so pissed off I forgot to crop.
if anything it's journos who're the bigger left-wing pc-cum-guzzling fags.

fuck you

oh nooooooo they delayed the game to find and fix more bugs before release
fuck meeeeeeee this is awful

>why are people complaining about me spamming the board with the same thread over and over
piss off retard.

Is Cyberpunk the biggest scam Poland has every pulled off?

Find out next time on the new delay coming December 10'th 2020.

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