It was understandable that World couldn't run at playable speeds on Switch without massively degrading the graphics, but every other platform got World without much complaint.
What I fail to understand though, is why Rise is Switch-exclusive? Instead of choosing to put down the "console wars" once and for all by making every future title on all platforms it can physically run on, Capcom decides to re-ignite them by making Rise Switch-exclusive.
This series has been in pretty heated debate over the years between camps of players with Sony on one side and Nintendo on the other (Xbox & PC are caught in the middle). I don't see the point of continuing with such shit.
Making a game exclusive to a specific system generally will mean fewer overall sales due to less availability. In the time of an international pandemic, I don't think that many people introduced to the series by World/IB will immediately go and buy a Switch.
And before anyone asks, I'm not on either side of the console war argument, I own a Switch for GenU and several other games, as well as play Iceborne on PC. I just see it as very petty and pointless to restart the console war dumpster fire.
how do you know nintendo didn't sign a deal with them? besides, it's fine. if you really care that much, buy a switch. I skipped world. Don't see me complaining
Cameron Ward
Smaller game, smaller team, exclusivity deal with Nintendo for money/business relationship.
It's not hard to understand. Because its a smaller game they dont need millions and millions of sales, Nintendo would pay for a large portion of it. So the few sales they'll get will be more than enough to make a good profit.
Thomas Garcia
>Smaller game, smaller team Holy mother of cope. The maps are more open than World and most monster cariety
>implication faggot I played the shit out of world.
Chase Scott
Nintendo will be paying them to make a MonHun game so they will release it on a Nintendo console. Why does this conversation always come down to either sales numbers or the graphical quality? Were yo here complaining about 4 when it came out too?
Caleb Martinez
If you look at Rise in comparison to World and think its a bigger game you're actually retarded.
Levi Peterson
It still shocks me to this day that they can lay out all of the details of their decisions, and Zig Forums still scratches their heads in confusion.
Listen up: The Japanese thing consoles have certain qualities, stereotypes, auras, whatever you want to call it, around them. Xbox is for "Western gore games", the PS4 is for RPGs and cinematic experiences, and the Switch is for fun games. They even basically said this in an interview. You dumb fucks keep making the same threads over and over again, and are STILL surprised that they would choose to not chase the money, but rather the integrity of art.