post cool vidya weapons
Vidya weapons
Fuck, I was gonna post this
Love it
it's a fish
Despite varied opinions on the chaos series, the swords are pretty fucking cool. One of those moments that it sucks it's a VN because watching them fight with these monstrosities would be pretty awesome.
Just finished Chaos;Child after reading Head a couple months ago, Takuru and Onoe's di-swords are dope as fuck.
Minimisawa the best as well.
For me, it's the home-run bat from melee
What a fucking sound effect.
They really were, much like head, I hated that the MC got so little time to use and get used to his sword. The common route was phenomenal though, shame that the rest of the routes and true ending didn't hold up. It's funny I actually like nono the most, but that's indirectly senri I liked the physical body of nono. That big titty mommy sister wife vibe is godly. Could literally bury miyashiro in her massive chest and comfort him from all the madness going on around him. I was bummed as fuck when it was revealed she was dead, but I was glad that the girl you thought died a miserable end made it.
I never liked Nono all too much, just thought her design was a bit plain honestly. Minimisawa's design was great though. Common route was super good, true end was insane. Kazuki's route was one of the most enjoyable reads in a while as well.
Still like Chaos;Head overall more, but Child is definitely high on the list.
Hana's was wild that's for sure, frustratingly enough PQube didn't translate the map when you have to place pins down. Thankfully I managed to get it right and continue, but it was almost a game breaker. I didn't like Nono all that much at first either, I thought she was too much of a mother hen and was holding taku back. Yet as the game went on I saw her as more of an older sister that worried about her siblings. Then of course later you could tell she actually had feelings for him. With her design it's literally because she's one of the biggest girls in the game. Mature, older, and bigger is appealing to me. Head was alright, but child was better for me. Granted it's way more depressing Takumi and Okabe get their dicks wet while Takuru gets a jail sentence. If Mages ever follows up on their desire to do a crossover game between all the SCI Adv characters, I hope they work some magic to save the characters of the chaos series. So many innocents that didn't deserve to die.
I think the funniest thing to me is still how Itou got away with it, the fucking chad. Technically Serika did too.
dclaw is way cooler
Itou was being possessed, the dude's brain is fried. It was his dad pulling the strings. But yeah the other got away clean, hell, they don't even remember doing it. Your typical sacrifice end because he feels guilty that he indirectly caused it all.
Every gun in Metal Arms: Glitch in the System except for the mining laser and the shitty flamethrower
Nothing beats soul edge
>not a pure gmaul account
>shitty flamethrower
git gud
yea if that fucker fuses with Soul Calibur you can kiss your only chance of saving the world goodbye
I'm well aware of how it all works, but if you look at it from the outside perspective Itou murdered Yui by chopping her to bits and Serika killed like 9 people or something silly. Even if Miyashiro said he did it and goes to prison for life, I still find it funny that the actual killers get out free. I am fully aware of the actual context of the story and why it makes sense.
>toaster is only effective against swarmers
>get it after you're past the swarmers
Yeah true, if you look at it point blank. That poor kid, I was not expecting that. Young ones usually avoid shit like that. Funny that the most brutal death in the game happens to a kid. I went the entire game thinking for sure the true route would save her. NOPE. Hell I think the only routes where she didn't die was Hana and Hinae's. Where's the phonewave when you need it?
Flamethrower is good just because you don't see the damage doesn't mean it's not working. It kills quick like the magma bomb.
Yeah I definitely thought it was a dream when it first was happening, I will give Child that one, Head didn't have anything as fucked up as that.
Me too, I thought it was a delusion at first. The cocktease was when he went back to the scene and had his internal monologue "why am I back here? Is this fate's way of saying I can stop it somehow?" Really thought he was gonna use the gigalo powers to do something, that would've been kino as fuck. Head did have a character lose that I hated to see though Ban, such a cool guy killed by his partner Most fucked up death you get in head is Sena's mother and sister.
Yeah Ban was based as fuck. Sena's backstory is some sick shit. B Ending is also pretty fucked up.