Why are people so hyped about the PS5?
Also Digital Foundry on pooicide watch lol
Why are people so hyped about the PS5?
Also Digital Foundry on pooicide watch lol
dont care still buying an xbox series x
only poor and dumb people buy consoles
>technigger reviews gaystation
it's like poetry...
Why is this nig so popular? In fact, why are unboxing videos popular at all?
Zoomers confuse me
People who are too poor to actually consoom product do it vicariously through jewtubers.
>b-buh the hype! look youtube content creator make video for view!!!!
none of this shit will make your roachmotelstation5 run better than xbox, sonyroaches
Same user... same.
why does your youtube look so retarded
Hes always 1 on trending you fucking faggot Markassbrownlee is pretty much part of the youtube company itself
But of course you have to make it about "Muh console wars"
god I hate this place
why you gotta be racist bro
Oh shit, it's the tech nigga.
He's cool.
>and the late Mike Tyson
Corporate hegemony says:
"Trans rights!"
You pay for trending spots just like on twitter, retarded zoomer
xboxfags seething hard itt lmao
dude didn't even know you're supposed to use the stand in both orientations even though he literally points to the image showing it
Sony is king
at sucking cocks
It's the #1 trending video on Pornhub as well.
This guy doesn't known anything about consoles nor gaming in general.
Like all YouTube hosts, he most likely has a handler that writes the scripts with the information.
>This guy doesn't known anything about consoles nor gaming in general.
No one asked for your selfie user...
fucking CRINGE you used the wrong image
i think zoomers and millenials are a bunch of tards who enjoy watching someone unboxing something
>dude, let's watch a guy unboxing a new product, after we cöönsume
>Digital Foundry
>this roastie
Who else is blacklisted?
>its literally an empty box with no soul and no quality whatsoever
>le epic goofy spec reading sheet negro
digital foundry got 2 PS5 yesterday
>Spend months shilling for Xbox
>"WAAAHHH!!! Sony didn't send me a PS5!!!!"
Do reviewers not even bother with product if they're not sent a sample copy? Great journalism, sweetie
Is she freelance or employed by a site?
That nigga looks smart and elegant, his nose indicates he's an Ethiopian, therefore, he's basically white