What is Mike Pondsmith thinking right now?

What is Mike Pondsmith thinking right now?

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He is happy all these white kids fina buy his game so he can get paid.

he looks somali

swimming in cash

You're a fool if you think his deal includes royalties.

virgin gibson seething over chad pondsmith

He's chairman and founder of the company that owns the license. You're retarded if you think he won't get royalties.

Remember how everyone went after the Witcher author cause he shat all over CDPR?

I guess he was right after all

he shat all over CDPR because his work suddently became this multimillion franchise and he didn't see a cent lmao

>his work

Is this a fucking joke?

yeah, his books, his characters, his stories, his world-building, those are his work, user. He sold it cheap to CDPR and when it became a sucessful game franchise he tried suing them. At least he made a contract with netflix

Thats Mike Pondsmith you fucking spastic

retarded faggot, I was replying to this post


He's not an idiot like the Witcher author.

Considering he had a large amount of involvement i doubt he's unhappy

Wait, so now he is involved? But Pavel and co kept telling me that he isn't so his talk about all character classes be playable can't be believed.
You guys really need to sort out how you want to shill this, you're as bad as your employer with the release date.

>tailor trailers to target majority gta normie audience because rpg and cyberpunk fans will buy the game anyways
>low iq retards still screeching autistically

uh oh, looks like someone can't follow the reply chain

fucking yikes lmao

he's just an easily influenced boomer who just repeated what he was spammed with by retards complaining on twitter

I haven't been following cyberpunk 2077. what does mike pondsmith have to do with it?

Nothing and everything depending on the shill and time of day.

>yooo this is the last time i have a deal with consoleniggers

hes the token black guy at cd kurwa red

He wrote the tabletop game that the video game is based on.

At least it's easier to spot the kids when they are retarded...

>ohwell at least I am getting my share
probably something like this


>ITT: a whole bunch of retards pretending they've ever played cyberpunk 2020 so they can complain about how 2077 is nothing like the boardgame

we are literally reaching cataclysmic levels of cringe


"What the fuck happened to this game"

He's literally saying that the game itself can take place in the sunniest place imaginable, but you yourself should be playing it at night in real life.