We got this genshinbros.
lol cybertrannies btfo
what about Animal crossing?
I don't care much for awards
Who cares about the game awards it's probably not even getting a real show in covid 2020
cyberbros why does this shit keep happening to us
Don't get your hopes up. We all know it's just gonna be 3 hours of TLoU completely mogging actual video games.
We fucking won.
Who cares for awards when Overwatch or Dragon Age 2 won a GOTY?
There was justice last year with Sekiro, but this dont happen all the years?
Who cares about this crap?
Don't care still preordered it
Good, RE8 and others will fuck it's ass for 2021
Guess it's gonna be Ghost of Tsushima then?
Can a 1/5 of a game win a game award?
Time to get our second GOTY, HLChads.
Well, hope the real kino is gonna win the price.
>no elden ring
>no cyber punk
what games are even part of the lineup for goty?
this has been a terrible year for vidya.
>TLoU 2
>FFVII Remake
>Doom Eternal
>Animal Crossing
>Ghost of Tsushima
animal crossing already won
This is going to win. It's a safe choice - who hates Animal Crossing? - and it's reviewed well. It sold like gangbusters and it's completely inoffensive. The user score is quite high, too.
Too controversial. Reviewed lower than expected and the fans hated it. It was forgotten less than a quarter after release.
This would be the choice I'd expect if Animal Crossing didn't do so well. It's a Sony exclusive so it gets bonus points like God of War and Persona 5 did, and it has a higher user score than Animal Crossing. It sold extremely well, everyone loved it, and Sucker Punch is an entirely likeable dev. I still think AC wins it overall.
This is what I would pick, but it's very much an incomplete game and it will be passed over because it's a remake (like RE2 Remake, which should have beaten Sekiro last year due to being an infinitely better game, but because it's a remake it will always lose to a fresh IP)
I don't see a F2P phone game winning. If Fortnite didn't, why would Genshin?
2020 sucks, noone wants to win for that year.
One seventh of a game? Nah get that tech demo outta here. It's time for Kino of Tsushima to wipe the floor with all those other games.
user re2 couldn't even win against the easiest nominees in history
Total war: warhammer 2
Lots of great games have been released.
DooM, FF7,Ghost of Tsushima, Aninal Crossing, The Last of Us 2, Nioh 2.
They're just going to give everything to TLOU2 because it promotes degeneracy and decay.
This game is gonna be a fucking mess.
Still qualifies for our show. :^)
>it's a remake
If only
>tranny dominated awards
no thanks
Nominees prediction :
Doom Eternal
Half Life: Alyx
Ghosts of Tsushima
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
>Genshin Impact
A Chinese gacha game won't even get nominated.
fortnite did
pretty sure CDPR did this on purpose because they knew they had no chance going up against the superior cyberpunk RPG, FF7R. They'll still get mogged by Elden Ring in 2021 though.
They are fucked simply because the average attention span isn't long enough to care about a game released at the end of 2020 for the awards in 2021
lmao wtf is that saturday night live cringe
GoT is probably going to win based on production values alone.
That said 2 games I enjoyed the most this year was bannerlord and genshin impact.
>be american
>be fat as fuck
>"hmm, today I will lose weight"
>get legs sawed off and replaced with lightweight prosthetic legs
>still be fat as fuck but at least you have a health BMI now
only DOOM and animal crossing are even good, and neither is great. Don't know about ghost because I dont own a PS5.
GTA with trannies holding a neon sign that says "fuck Drumpf" (will already be obsolete when he loses the elections)
>oh my god why is this cyberpunk world garish, corporate and full of leftist shit?
Retards, it’s gonna be Halflife Alyx.