Already got her, won't bother for constellation until they implement a better system for getting them
Nope, I got Sucrose and blueboy so I'm happy.
I already got you and succrose on my first roll. Feels good being a F2p luckchad.
got two of two klee but im (In game) broke. was hoping for a Noelle thats leveled up,but no.
Got het without even wanting her. I rolled for a Noelle dupe but didn't get it. She's fun though.
Nope, saving my rolls for my wife
I don't give a shit about cunnytrash and ugly cunnytrash in a mediocre game even less.
Pulls down pants
Takes shit on klee
Already got you, along with Sucrose, Noelle and Xing C1, and another constellation on Xiang (C5).
I'm not a metafag so I'd rather wait for an actually cool character like Zhongli to come out
sorry won't waste my primo on your shitty banner you pedobait
I already did.
>got klee
>tried her out for a bit
>most interest in game is gone
I'm not even maxed out, I'm AR30 and have yet to do story quest for AR23. There's a ton of story ahead but for some reason I'm not enjoying the game. Fuck.
but I already have you
I'm AR40 and still having fun exploring and leveling my characters.
Play something else.
Maybe come back later.
Don't burn yourself out on one game user.
if you're already burned out just drop this game
I'm AR36 with every single available fedex shit done and I'm slowly considering dropping this game
fuck gacha
Did the game get any new content or events after her banner started
I'm AR 29 and still have a lot of story. Just got arround to unlocking all the map, too. I go in to do dailies and spend resin and actually play the game on weekends.
I'm still having fun, though I've been juggling two accounts, and that's kind of bothersome but it lets me play with more characters. I have Diluc and a max constelation Xianling in one and Qiqi and Klee in the other so that's keeping me motivated.
Guy's where can I find the Cocogoat?
(Qiqi is bloody adorable)
>still exploring
Holy shit lmfao
This has nothing to do with gacha, the game is new and you cleared the content until the patch drops in a few weeks
gacha is why resin exist
it's also why a good amount of the content is locked behind a slot machine, you can't even focus on a character you like
No, f2p is why resin exists. MMOs do this shit too.
>a good amount of the content is locked behind a slot machine
No? only characters and 5* weapons are, which you don't even need to clear the game's content, it's just gameplay flavor.
c3 Klee, ahhh just want three more user.
>characters and weapons aren't content in an action RPG about teambuilding
That's a poorfag cope and you know it.
I've been trying to roll Beidou and still don't have her when she's one of the two 4* that I like
and the character I like the most in this game is Jean and I can't even upgrade her without rolling her again but I don't give a shit about any other 5*
gameplay flavor is very important, it's what make games like Diishonored interesting even if you can finish them with just one power out of the 10+ available
I'm rolling for the more important character
>I've been trying to gamble
so you're retarded
Nah, you're cute but the loli slot in my party's already taken by Nana.
>two accounts
maybe just me, but it seems like a decent enough idea, you effectively double your gem and resource output potential per day. obviously spread across accounts, but a multiplier nonetheless.
Nigga you dumb and don't know what you're talking about
If you are trying to roll on non-banner characters you are an absolute retard.
thanks for proving me right that gacha is the reason why the game is the shadow of what it could be
It is but it's not ""a good amount of the content"" like you claimed
I rolled for her to get her 5 times. It's only fitting she gets C4.
My party has 4 loli slots.
No thanks, I'd prefer to get constellations for the characters I already own
Why are you acting intelligent stating the obvious?
why don't more games use world level for scaling
an user literally told me the gacha wasn't the main reason the game was mediocre
is it bad that i don't have any bow character other then Amber ?
I don't think it's bad, since there's good characters that don't use bow, bu Fischl would make a lot of fights easier
Not really. Amber's essentially a must while exploring and no bow character is good because they use a bow, contrary to something like a GS user that actually brings something to the table with a weapon archetype. Fischl and Venti are S tier for their abilities/constellations, not because they're bow users.
It's not bad but having another one (who actually has good skills) is a hell of a lot more convenient.