Where did it go wrong?

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Shadow Fall and the devs refusing to let us play as the Helghast. The Vita game was better than Shadow Fall too.

Accidentally making the space nazis sympathetic.

Did the devs go out of their way to make the ISA so retarded and unlikable?


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it wasn't ape escape

Ugh we need Trilogy Remaster for PS5 please


Helghast were near-instantly loved or at least made people sympathize and intrigued to find out more about them. The fact that they never gave that opportunity to the fans despite knowing how much we were dying to play a Helghast campaign combine with also making the ISA as generic GI Joes as possible, led to great disatisfaction among the fans.
I reckon that by the time of SF the franchise was almost unsalvable: Helghan and the empire was in ruins and the new spec ops, cold war-like warfare wasn't as appealing.
And you STILL couldn't completely side with the ghasts. They only have themselves to blame on this one.

When Hakha fucking vanished from the series and was never seen or mentioned again, even though his VA was used for Radec

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From what I remember playing through the vita game(which is pretty damn fun) there’s a section you get to hang out with the absolute fucking unit of a helghast Boris for one mission.

Killzone 2’s guns felt heavy and were weird but fun to aim and control, and there were actual servers to browse with a shitload of people in them. Killzone 3 made it way easier to control the guns, put an emphasis on matchmaking modes that I don’t think were more than 10-12 players, and made melee kills way easier.

You don't want to play as the Helghast. They would become infinitely less cool the moment you play as them.

How do you know?
Remember how in cod: world at war you played as the soviets burning up the countryside, shooting surrendering germans and doing crazy charges and offensives ? It was great, you felt like a scrappy underdog finally getting the upper hand attacking berlin

The Helghast are visually much cooler looking than the isa. Which already makes them more fun to fight against. Their harmonic distorted screams and callouts are more recognizable than just regular isa dude screaming in pain from being killed. So the gunplay would be less satisfying. And story wise I don't want them to turn the Helghast into some sympathetic "they did nothing wrong" good guys.

That’s what I’m saying. You are part of horrible shock troopers tasked with doing punitive raids in the enemy backlines.
Lots of propaganda blaring. Shit like that.
Have the main character get inducted in some special squad after winning so much in the early game, and then later have some sort of civil strife where your new squad must purge your old battalion or something. Either due to the general becoming too popular or some other funny twist of fate. There, now you can fight helghasts.

And your own call outs would be a lot more badass and so on. Suddenly you are part of a badass crew of masked murderers and you would fall into lots of horrible shit. Would be a good game

how hard would it have been to have a dual campaign with two endings? helghasts are the literal face of the series and deserve some love

Yes. If you look at the the backstory the devs have done, the more you read, the more the ISA look bad. It had to be intentional.

In Killzone: SF after half the game you don't belong anywhere.
Kellan, though he hated the Helghasts for killing his father.
He died for his ideal and thought he was doing the right thing.

The Helghasts did nothing wrong

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>The Vita game was better than Shadow Fall too.
How the fuck did that happen? Mercenary was my first Killzone game and I really enjoyed it. So I eventually bought Shadow Fall and couldn't believe how shit it was in comparison.

>we will absolutely never ever get another Killzone game because the Bow Robot Dino girl game did really good while Shadowfall was shit
>if we do it'll still be a campaign from some ISAfag protag perspective
>Killzone 2 HD remaster with MP never ever

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>forced off home world
>new world is toxic shithole
>new world destroyed by same people that forced them there
>only get half of their home planet back
The Helghast deserved better

it's me, i'm the advanced shock trooper

Not releasing on pc or ps4 with full 60 fps and increasing the sickeningly tight fov

KZ2 MP was awful. No one played anything but Radec Academy because the other maps were so badly designed. People would spam spawn grenades around the enemy team's spawn location. As soon as you spawned, if your team was the one getting ass fucked, you would immediately die to rocket launcher spam. Every game was like this. There was never any variety what so ever. It was an imbalanced joke of a game with terrible framerate, terrible fov, terrible weapon and map balance, and very noticeable input delay that people tried to pass off as "weapon weight". people only looked passed all this because the helghast looked cool.

For me, it was the boris mission

Fucking idiot. You play as Higs in KZ2 MP and I still think they're infinitely cooler than any game's antagonist faction in the 2010s.

>Where did it go wrong?
With Killzone 2, removing alternate fire and making the game another CoD abortion.

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>cooler than any game's antagonist faction in the 2010s.
and they should stay an antagonistic faction

Duthc faggots cant create good campaigns
100 times this

I got the Top 5% of All Players trophy in the first month of the game's release and I have no fucking clue what you're going on about

You're either making shit up or you played too later for your opinion to matter