>the state of SNK
The state of SNK
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If they knew it was bad and would cause an uproar, then why the fuck did they did go with it in the first place?
I don't see nothing wrong with it. I feel its just twitter mob.
What was the ad?
slap ass
I don't see anything. Somebody point it out.
Holy fucking shit the state of this board
Ah, so pretty much the standard for mobile game ads then?
Copy the damn link. god damn.
Terry wouldn't do that though. He respects women and the rules of the road.
OP's link does not point to the contents of OP'c pic.
Damn, i wouldve bought the game if they kept it in and pleased their fans instead of trannies who will never play the game anyway
This game isn't made by SNK, despite the title. SNK licenses out their brands to basically anyone. There's are dozens of KOF/SNK mobile and browser games out right now and they're all made by different devs and publishers--but not one is made by SNK. The only mobile game SNK is making is KOF for Girls. Typically SNK is still able to oversee everything but this company making SNK Allstars seems very shady. They used SFV Chun Li in one of their ads...pretty shady.
This is how south town works.
that looks like those Mafia City ads
She was about to fall and he grabbed her skirt to save her from falling
Reminds me of those shitty Mafia City ads kek
The link to what faggot I don't see a fucking link to an advertisement in the OP. Eat shit and die.
Amusing but quite ooc for Terry.
SNK can be pretty protective. You have to fuck up big time to get on their bad time, though. They tried to sue the makers of the Neo Geo X because of how shitty it was.
You could stop being a pussy, that works too.
what's the big deal with this
>this is the people who take down sexual content but are into tranny
Why is twitter allowed?
>slaps the asses of some adult women as he passes by
>sex predator
It's like one of those Mafia game ads but with SNK characters.
>sexual predator
Wasn’t he a depressed alcoholic in this part of the film, though?
Fucking perv
that's what sex predator means, you weirdo
I really need a webm of Terry's motorcycle randomly doing three backflips out of nowhere because there was a roadblock 3 feet ahead of him. Made me laugh like an idiot.
How do you buy a shitty F2P phone game?
Its offensive how low quality this is
Kula is 14, and is out of character for Terry.
>not being gay
I don’t believe this
Holy shit it looks like a mafia city ad
Why is she a man now?
Would people be happy if it was Joe or Rugal
The only thing missing is "lvl.99 Boss"
they would be happy if it was joe biden
Kula is a child and he knows Mai is only after Andy. Mary is his gf though, which makes it even weirder that he'd slap the other two girls' asses in her presence.
What's the problem here? He slaps their ass, drops off of his bike and then they presumably attack him.
Shouldn't that be a pro female thing?
BASED Terry. Twitter tranny crying about nothing.
Their asses are out there so you might as well accidentally slap them
Can someone show more of these mafia city KOF commercials
I see that you too you are a man of culture.
it's more on how out of character it is with terry tho
I would've shove my face between their ass cheeks.
He's mad Terry is cheating on him with Mai, obviously.
Kula’s a clone, right? What’s the advantage of giving her a butt so big?
Fuck SNK for selling themselves to chinks, they deserve it
Terry Bogard wouldn't be that crass.
Nintendo would do the same thing if someone made an ad where Mario slaps Peach, Daisy, and Rosalina's behind while shouting "YAHOOO!"
Only thing missing is Charles
>replies are just SJWs catching other SJWs in wrongthink mix-ups
This is based.
Good old meaty triple slap
man act-age has been on hiatus for a while now haha...
Doesn’t work anymore. Someone post the add
Twitter was a mistake and should not exist.
Zig Forums, go home, this thread's about SNK stuff. Only leader I care about is my daddy crime lord.
I mean I'm not offended but it is kind of stupid.
Why does soccer moms have so much power nowadays
>using the OVA where Terry uses Tung's move
>using a 4koma gag comic
Terry doesn't even care about Mai in every incarnation.
No Dinosaur in XV
No Buy
I'm sure most of these people don't even play the game.
wtf terry is based now
>soccer moms
We need the Frank vs Charles "join my gang" image but with Rugal & Geese now.
>14 years old
i bet she's got cute blue whispy pubes
Honestly the whole pizza meme is actually very close to his attitude. He'd pick up the sex but he sounds like he enjoys playing hard to get.
Man I kind of want to read through that now but I also kind of want to sleep
The Glutes are some of the strongest muscles in the body
Pedophile, ephebophile, it's all just shit taste at the end of the day. Imagine looking at those three girls and choosing Kula over Mai or Mary.
the real offense here is that the camera zooms into her armpit.
appealling to r/kappa niggers is the most cringe disgusting thing possible.
FGC is a crappy community full of pedos
i hope she sees this post bro
I can't think of Mai in a sexual way since I main her.
source now.
Just say Karen