faster than the 3090
costs 33.3% less
more efficient
you can actually buy one
it does not power surge to 600 watt and make ur psu go boom
Noa c....
cope subhuman russian shitstain
im buying 3080 because cuda and optix
nvidiots are so fucking mad braindead cattle
enjoy exploding PC
does it support DLSS ?
>does it support my favorite buzzword
>does it support my favorite buzzword
>does it support my favorite buzzword
stop using my wife to shitpost
kys ;>
not a fucking single word about hardware encoder*decoder. the best reason to buy nvidia.
>95% of people watching presentation even understand what that is
Good luck getting one of the 5 3080's they released
>wait for dickheads to buy AMD
>they cancel Nvidia preorders
>3x series go back in stock
>buy one
kill yourself retarded amdrone russian shitstain
you can't afford even ayymd trash poorfag snownigger
but does it support my favorite buzzword?
MS confirmed the 6000 series will support AV1
not buying any of these next gen GPU but 3090 is a joke card it's like 10% better than 3080
the real comparison happens with 3080 and 3070
Watch your bloodpresure my friend
are you
mad by a chance
mad because you are a
sandnigger subhuman ?
oh my, i am sure if you shill harder you can afford yourself michael jackson treatment out of those sweet shekels ! ;>
subhuman fucking shitstain stay mad i am not upgrading my 4670
imagine being so fucking mad that you deled cute and friendly noavi thread just because of your favorite pozzere architecture just got utterly destroyed on smaller and cuter die
xaxaxaax big noa cunny destroying semites hehe
Galaxy brain movement
As somebody looking for a 3080, I appreciate all this exposure you guys are giving to AMD. Please, don’t buy Nvidia
God I love this image
did you
post CUNNY
watch out for literal scientific definition of aryans !
sorry cute girl, i am staying team nvidia
I don't understand. I look at the framerate charts they posted and it seems these cards are a much better deal than what nvidia is offering. Why is that not the case?
Yes but what is amds answer to dlss and ray tracing? I have more than enough money for both and yes I am willing to drop an extra $500 just for these two features alone.
answer for things only existent in nvidiot echo chamber? i do not think radeon team is on that level of schizophrenia yet
but hey, if you knew first thing about ray tracing u would know that you do not need deep learning volta cores for it, but hey, giving your upscaler special name does not make it special, but hey again, dont blame you for god giving you 70 IQ
get out unless u will pust kani
I really want to lick a little girl's cunny, it looks so soft and smooth, it must feel really nice on your tongue, just imagine she giggling, moaning and squirming around while you do it.
those are drawings mister
in my imagination only haha