What went so right?

What went so right?

Attached: Second Best Dk game.jpg (1072x1500, 288.87K)

Some stuff.

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Anonymous 10/28/20(Wed)13:08:03 No.530207437▶
What went so right?

fuck you faggot, that's not even the third best dk game

Anonymous 10/28/20(Wed)13:08:03 No.530207437▶
What went so right?bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

fuck you faggot, that's

Ah, a nostalgia-fag

it returned to monke

traditional 2D DKC gameplay

nothing, it's easily the worst dkc

No stupid drums, actually challenging.
No bad glitches, collectathons or useless kong system.

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I'm replaying the 3ds port right now. It's an altogether solid game, except:
>diddy kong makes the platforming too easy
>no ice levels
>no platforming cave levels, just minecart and rocket barrel
>braindead bonus rooms with no variety

>no ice levels
I have a solution

I loved country returns but I gotta admit that tropical freeze is just superior in every way

seconded just because of stickerbrush symphony redux

God tier soundtrack, good level design. Peak of the series easily. Shame that Tropical Freeze sucked and killed Retro.

I don't have a wii u

It’s also on switch

If I don't have a Wii U then why the fuck would I have a Switch

they could have made a 3d platfomer instead of this. what a waste

Then emulate it on PC

my pc is an office computer from 2010

Well, then I don’t know what to tell you user...

You can't say that when 3 exists
Fuck that stupid baby kong. Glad he's now dead with the rest of the forgotten kong's like Candy, Swanky, Chunky, Tiny, HE

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It just sucks how that redux is at the start of a shitty rocket barrel level that most people won't even hear because you immediately jump into the rocket. Like what were they thinking? Let's take the most iconic song in the franchise and just have it be a minimal background track for 10 seconds

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There are about 50 million people who didn’t buy the WiiU but bought the Switch. He didn’t make an unreasonable assumption.

What did he make?

Its weird i loved this game but hated tropical freeze. All the levels felt to long, the characters felt way to heavy, and the bosses are legit some of the worst ive ever played in a platformer

>Let's take the most iconic song in the franchise
Jungle Hijinx

An assumption, but not an unreasonable one

love with me

3 is still much better than returns garbage.

I was operating off of the logic of owns a wii u = fanboy drone = owns every nintendo console

The amazing motion controls

Agreed. Tropical Freeze was ass. It had one great level with a reall good song and that was it, rest of the game was the worst the platforming genre has to offer in pretty much every way.

After several years of the pablum that is New Super Mario Bros, Nintendo finally published a decently challenging platformer

Life in the Mines Returns is my favorite track from either Retro DKC.