Games for this feel?

games for this feel?

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What fucking feel are you talking about retard? The feel of being a female? Being a nigger?

I wish I had a gun that turned shit into 90s shit

Bro, this show was my guilty pleasure.

I don't get it


The Sims

is that a hat-removing lazer gun? what the fuck is going on in that webm?

the yakuza games I guess

It turns you into a Flock of Seagulls fan

oh no, it made them hotter?

What the fuck does that gun do?

God bless the French.


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It makes them look fresh as fuck.

It Dougs

how is a make-over gun super villain tier? thats fucking dumb. Imagine sending seal team six to stop someone from giving people tans or something.

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This show is merely a vehicle to introduce the young to many different fetishes AND THATS A GOOD THING!

It's a millennial gun. It turns whatever clothes you're wearing into fashion from an era most millennials weren't even alive for yet they act so nostalgic over.

i used to love this show

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top keke is this shit real

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Habbo Hotel

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Bless those frogs.

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So dumb. Post the animal girl one.

those niggers killed Jeanne D'Arc


are you high
jeanne was french

If you want guns that do odd things, Enter the Gungeon or Borderlands
If you want something changed into an 80s version of itself, Far Cry Blood Dragon

it brings the funk

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Hotline Miami

wtf okay then.
this show is fucked up, the frenchies are up to match with the japs in the kink factor.

how the fuck did I watch and not just jerk off immediately..also were there any totally spies games?

Totally Spies co-op game with MGS gameplay by Hideo Kojima when

It was everyone’s guilty pleasure.
Its the source of like 25% of all fetishes people get

>also were there any totally spies games?
Mediocre flash games and a garbage minigame collection. I think there was a mediocre GBA game too? Nothing really worthwhile.

Post the laser beams and pocket mirror one

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>tfw you realize half the reason you watched it when it was on was in case THE episode that unlocked your fetish was rerunning

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If he can change his appearance, why didn't he just escape by scaring the guards?

>Zig Forums used to stream this on synchtube

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I only have this

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Reminds me of all the kids who watched Sailor Moon as a guilty pleasure in the 90's.

I guess Totally Spies was that for kids in the 2000's

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fetish is born

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I can imagine the writers going around the animation studio and writing each episode according to everyone's fetishes.
"Next week's turn is Mike's, what was his fetish? Inflation? Okie dokie"

Post the one where they're turning into trees
wooden bitches