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He was the real victim.
I'm not apologizing since I was on his side from Day 1. Zack's shitty personality is written all over his face
Is that the chud wojak guy?
even just from reading zack's story you could tell he was the abuser, especially already knowing about the other manipulative shit he pulled. fuck zack, rot in hell
Something new came up that made twitterfags realise he wasn''t the bad guy?
Video games.
When I saw the phrase "my truth" in Zack's first summary I knew he was fucking full shit. Nobody who's being honest uses language like that.
don't give a fuck about him, however anyone who couldn't tell zack was a piece of shit is fucking retarded
He's a gay faggot.
Has Zack gotten blasted yet? or are dumbasses still defending him.
no e-celeb board
People who play esports and try to have sexual responsibility are fucking crazy.
IDK even if he's making legal allegations against Zack, they're still just allegations. Nothing is set in stone until it's confirmed by a trier of fact
I don't think he's a super bad guy or anything, but if a minor is making sexual advanced towards you why wouldn't you just stop them? He's still a retard for getting mixed up in this shit in the first place.
All he had to do was say "dude get the fuck off me you're a minor" and all of this would have went away and Zack would have been the bad guy.
what race is this
Saucy please leave. We all hate you.
Who's we?
I don't talk to anyone.
he talks about it in his statement. he froze up cause he's a pussy
amazing people can defend someone who sucks everyone's cocks then blackmails them
Hi saucy!
there are dumbasses who are ignoring nairo's statement. doesn't matter though, nairo got lawyers involved, which is the smart thing to do. Zack is fucked.
>local man solves rape, just say no.
tldr hes a pussy and being 20 is still a fucking minor mentally as far as im concerned, so this was just a minor sexually assaulting another minor
Hey... how's it hanging...?
I never believed any of the bullshit from day 1. Never trust anything gays or trannies say.
Get off the internet granpda
Nairo-sama, I..... I KNEEL
>Comes completely clean and admits to fuck underage children a few months ago
>Suddenly appears with a lawyer and says he didndunuffin
Fuck no. He has made his bed, he should go fucking lay in it.
Nairo could have easily physically over powered Zack and stopped him if he weren't such a pussy. In fact, he even says that he physically rejected his advances the second time he tried to suck his dick.
Nairo is clearly not the bad guy but damn he could have handled this situation so much better.
Can I get a long rundown?
if you woke up to an underage kid (with a huge social media presence) sucking your dick when your entire career hinges on your public appearance, what would you do? hit him? anything he did after zacks action could easily be twisted into anything zack wanted it too, and the only reason this is really coming to light is because the little shit left a money trail
he admitted to nothing, he just apologized to his fans and went off the grid
honestly i'm more surprised he was a fag. he always seemed straight in his streams.
I'd push his faggot ass off my and call the cops because he just sexually assaulted me. If your career hinges on public opinion you gotta get in front of this kind of shit when it happens, not try to sweep it under the rug and pay your rapist hush money.
come back in a few years when you realize that literally everyone under 25 is fucking retarded (most people over that age still are but in different ways)
thats not how rape works, its not just a question of physical strength (and nairo was literally a fucking skeleton, zero muscle) , getting caught off guard can fuck with your brain in unpredictable ways, especially if you're a young autist with zero life experiences
he claims to be straight in his statement. good move, even if its a lie, because questioning sexuality is seen as manipulative
>t. Guy who hasn't actually read anything.
What was he supposed to do, punch the 15 year old twink in the face and give him even more ammo?
ult community will learn nothing from this. they never do.
He says he's straight in his statement, Zack was just being a rapey faggot.
he isn't
check the statement posted in this thread
fag sucked his dick while he was sleepin then blackamiled him
Who the fuck is Zack?
yeah and then when the cops get there, the fag that just tried to suck your dick lies and says you made him do it. into prison you go.
>tell people you're an esports player
>get stonewalled by sex apologists
How about getting the police involved because you were just sexually assaulted?
You had do be a fucking retard to think he was at fault for anything. I don't even play Smash but I saw the allegations, that kid literally admitted he wanted to fuck him then claimed to be a rape victim after he sucked his dick. If Nintendo fans weren't manchildren they would've known that he was full of shit
>well akchually you see i would have 20 hidden cameras set up in my room to capture the moment he assaulted me before supplexing him and riding away on my helicopter
whatever you say mr hindsight, i don't know what you're trying to get trying to pretend you're not an autistic pushover on an anonymous imageboard
context please? i remember reading about this long ago but cant remember who this guy is or what the controversy is
this, and after he told all his gay friends about it they applauded him.
And expect them to take the 20 year old's side well after the fact when he has no evidence to prove his innocence? Zack could put on a baby face, say "nuh uh HE actually raped ME" and get away with it.
I am straight but....if some twink is sucking my dick while I am sleeping, I ain't gonna stop him.
If you woke up groggily and a boy was sucking your dick, you'd probably be confused and disoriented. Maybe even scared if you're not used to it. The human brain is weird and illogical, my man.
this threads gettin pruned, no time for context. you should be able to google it yourself though
Are you...defending the kid you faggot?
the Bayonetta player who danced like a faggot on stage and stalled in the Bayonetta Smash 4 grand finals mirror
Are you... fucking retarded and incapable of reading comprehension?