Which girl do you want MORE of?


Attached: kda-league.jpg (1920x1080, 195.91K)

fuck league of legends and fuck you check this 4

The first set was great. These all look terrible.

I want more of the twink

Attached: Ezreal_18.jpg (1215x717, 154.4K)

First video was better

>Akali is a wageslave

Attached: 2020-10-29 11_05_42-K_DA – MORE Lyrics _ Genius Lyrics.jpg (414x146, 12.34K)

With these skins, none of them. Out of Kissing Dicks Association members with better attire and makeup, Akali. Among girls in League, Kindred.


these guys probably spend more money on advertising than the game itself

How come riot games can make deals with koreans to make league girls go absolutely bombastic in the form of kpop stars. Celebrating female sexuality unabashedly.
And yet almost every other western game have trouble having even slightly attractive female characters in them?

>‘Kali don’t skrrrt
What the fuck does this mean

From whichever fondles my balls.

Riot Games is not an American company. They're a Chinese company that operates in America and have recognized that the market in Asia is 3-4 times the size of the American market so they present their characters to suit that. LOL isn't a western game.

Look how they massacred my girl

Attached: 1595881259335.png (2652x3000, 3.15M)

But it's just a little crude drawing...?

Is that an understatement?

Can someone tell me the appeal of k-pop? This seems like uninspired garbage.



incel OP

I assume motorcycle sounds since she was on a bike during that section.

They should make a yordle KDA and give them fat asses and thick thighs

porn is banned in korea and it's the closest they can get. Other people around the world that enjoy it just have a fetish for korean girls

They tumblrised them.

The music is good. The girls are attractive.

They look fucking terrible and I say this as someone who coomed to the original KDA many times.

>The music is good.

>English, Korean and Chinese in the same song
We’re reaching levels of globalism that shouldn’t even be possible


Attached: ElbxPikXIAEMppA.jpg (1920x1181, 400.67K)

Yes. It's super catchy with a strong cadence that's really banging.
Reminds me a lot of the music they used to play in 70s where I am from but with the digital and modern sounds of the late millennium.

Eve looks disgusting

Yep and guess what? Koreans are pissed off about that.

Left is hot but voice didn’t match her at all

who the fuck designed akali's hair