ITT: casual filters
Haven't had one of these in awhile I feel.
ITT: casual filters
Haven't had one of these in awhile I feel.
Theres a reason why there hasn't been one in a while user...
replayed kh1 recently, using STR keyblades for bosses and MP boosting for trash mobs seems like to optimal way 2 play
>have to complete in 30 turns or less
>right after ilia (or Sacae massacre if you’re a big boy)
>useless old man joins you and takes up valuable space
>12 reinforcements spawn every turn, unavoidable
>most of them are Wyverns
>giant mountain you have to go around and most of your army is a non flyer
>two boss characters, one is OP Wyvern
At least there’s a secret shop
Imagine getting filtered by tutorial boss.
Why are these guys considered difficult? The pattern is easy as fuck to exploit.
I definitely thought it was the Watcher Knights instead
i was very scared but beat them my first time.
I died three times to the 1st crystal guardian fight somehow.
>Fire Emblem
>casual filter
Ironically the filter is if you try to roleplay and use units logically and tactfully. The series, NOT just the shitty DS/3DS games, is so unbalanced you benefit from actually using less units.
Stop giving Intelligent Systems attention/money. They can't design video games or write compelling dialogue. Just jerk off in the morning and enjoy a productive day of not playing shitty anime fapbait.
the fight in godhome with all 3 of them is probably the best feeling fight ever
Read it in Funkhauser's voice, nicely done
>enjoy a productive day of not playing shitty anime fapbait
That's literally every game Zig Forums enjoys, why are you even here retard?
Did Kaga's ghost somehow stick around even after Thracia 776? FE6 maps just seem pure evil.
fuck Zelot's npc look'n ass
he has ruined every one of my goddamn playthroughs.
Zealot is fine since as a paladin he is actually useful and pretty bulky. It's Trec who sucks since he's easily the worst cavalier in the game with mediocre stats. Noah isn't amazing but he's at least competent. What I really hate is that you need Roy or Zealot to recruit Noah, Trec can't recruit him despite the two literally being partners. Even worse is that Zealot is needed for the true ending depending on what route you go on the second route split.
Less casual filter and more " I didn't make a separate save and now I'm fucked", but glad to see someone remembers this
I got filtered in the base game and then tried again when black came out and beat it.
>mfw Kongol was in my party
>takes away all your weapons and drops you into a boss battle
Dark Forces was so cool
I'm playing through FE6 for the first time right now and I didn't have too much trouble with this one, I'm having more issues with the second arena map on the A route. I want to get every reward and I suck too much to keep all the green units alive
This absolute cunt in Re:CoM filtered me way harder. I must've spent at least 5 hours trying to beat him, longest I've ever spent on any boss or game segment.
Forgot pic
The real filter starts at ascension 17, but this guy fucks up noobs
How was he supposed to know how to jump?
That one wasn't so bad.
Now the F-Zero Grand Prix chapter on Very Hard? You better believe MEGA-COCK, THE FASTEST FAGGOT IN THE WORLD is going to filter you over and over again.
Normal mode or hard mode? Hard mode is significantly more difficult then normal mode.