What are you buying Zig Forums?

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hoping for higurashi to go on sale

Nothing, steam is shit and gaben is a kike

Hopefully videogames
Probably nothing, because sales have been dogshit for the past 4 years

hoping for doom eternal on sale

Redpilled, use keysites.

GoG sale is already going.

I hope RE7 Gold Edition will be less than 10 bucks.


Should I buy Night in the Woods?

Looking into Elite Dangerous. I want some spess game for VR and fuck EA


If Koei Tecmo will ever pull their dick out of their ass and put games on sale, the Arland Trilogy.

I don't know
I need to spend like 7.5$ in steampoints and also something that works OK with LInux or Steamplay.

no, buy darkwood instead

Changing to a shit county to get 70% discount on mostly anything and stacking that with sales is even cheaper user

>rdr2 at about 20€without discount

I'll pirate a few of these from GOG, but there's a shit load I want
any of these I should avoid?

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highly recommend hypnospace outlaw

Is there a platform where I can check what a game cost on the different platforms?

I often have shit wishlisted on steam (cuz most indies etc. are all there) and never bother to check how much it is on or gog etc.

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Titanfall 2 has a great campaign, can't speak for the multiplayer now.
Hypnospace Outlaw, Persona 4 Golden, Katamari Damacy and Okami are all good (and would recommend in that order)
I played Slime Rancher for a couple of hours, couldn't get into it. Didn't think Banner Saga was good. Want to get Hylics 2.

was waiting for the next sale to get Among Us, if it doesn't go on sale, I'll just buy it
Pier Solar NEVER fucking goes on sale, but I'll get it if it does. Reviews are mixed, but I've been feening for a classic FF-like experience
Hoping Okami HD goes on sale, and besides that if I see ANYTHING on my wishlist 75% off or more I'm buying it

>DaS1: Remastered
>AoE2: DE
>???? some open world/sandbox/rpg hybrid but don't know what

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I love cinematic platformers but Vane is kinda shit and super buggy. I thought the same for INMOST but people seem to like it, I really didn't.

Rest seems fine, but I didn't play all of them. My favorite from the list are Sekiro, Little Nightmares, Katana Zero, Resident Evil games, A Short Hike, Okami and The Messenger.

Thx user

Already got the games I want from Gamersgate's sale but I may pick up some DLC.


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Legit waited 2 or 3 year for a 50% sale on Blue Reflection

Steam hasn't had a sale in over 5 years. A real sale

I don't even get out of bed for anything less than 80% off.

Slime Rancher gets boring quick, not worth it. Exploring the world was somewhat enjoyable, but farming became tedious. I say that as someone who enjoys Harvest Moon and Factorio.
I haven't played the Outcast remake, but I bet that game hasn't aged well.
If you haven't played Riven or Re4, get those asap

>Thinking of buying Monhun world+Iceborne
>Go look on key sites
>It's more expensive then on steam
What the fuck?

Skyrim Special Edition was on sale for like $10 at GMG a month or so ago, can't believe you missed that.

Echoing what the others have, Slime Rancher is fucking boring.
Okami is pretty divisive, very slowly paced. Blasphemous is kind of underwhelming. Exanima is as substance-less as ever and they're never going to flesh it out.
Rest are at least fine, least the ones I've played.